I posted this to alt.music.ramones, but I also had to share with y’all, cause I need to vent as much as I can:
The god of punk,savior of rock and roll is dead, and I saw all of two fucking minutes of coverage on CNN, not one fucking blurb in the local paper (Portland Oregonian, suck my sweaty balls, shitheads!!), and a few lines on MTV.com. MTV made themselves off “Rock 'n Roll High School.” Back in the day, they used to show it with no commercials, three, four fucking times a year. Why? Not for the screenplay, I’ll tell you that fucking much.
What do we fucking have now? Pretty boy pre-fab bands who met for the first time in their agent’s office, and silicone implanted, pedophile’s wet-dream talentless little fucking Mouseketeers!!! Goddammit!!!
On MTV.com, I saw that Joey’s solo album will be finished and released later this year. I say all us Pinheads go out and buy twenty fucking copies each, just to show the industry that the pablum, fucking recycled, shitawful crap they call music just doesn’t get our jollies off like three chords, two minutes and a good, loud, “ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!!!”
He saved the music world in the seventies from the death dirge of the Eagles, Journey, and the Doobie fucking Brothers, and he can do it again against the bullshit out there now.
If there are any fucking typos in this, well I’m fucking pissed off, and Joey, CJ, Johnny, and Marky (and all the other Ramones I left out) never cared about a misplaced note or two, and neither do I!!!