I am going to see Wolf Parade tonight!!

And Frog Eyes is opening for them!! I am stoked (not a word I use a lot, but somehow the most appropriate word for this particular feeling) seriously stoked.

Anyone seen either of these bands live before? I haven’t but I have been a Frog Eyes fan for a while and while it too some time for me to warm to Wolf Parade I have come around to the fact that Apologies to the Queen Mary is a rather amazing album.

So yeah, Wolf Parade at the Wiltern…tonight…woohoo!

I saw Wolf Parade open for Arcade Fire last fall (Arcade Fire played probably the best show I’ve seen live). I was not very impressed with them then. I think it was mostly because I didn’t like Spencer Krug’s singing style, though I did enjoy the song “I’ll Believe in Anything, You’ll Believe in Anything”

In the past year, Apologies to the Queen Mary has really grown on me, so I was excited to see them headline a few weeks ago. Frog Eyes was the opener. I wasn’t as thrilled with Frog Eyes. I think it was mostly because I didn’t like the frontman–he reminded me and my boyfriend of Meat Loaf crossed with some other musician (I can’t remember who we said the second musician was).

I’ve seen Wolf Parade live and loved it.

If you like Apologies to the Queen Mary then you should check out Shut up I am dreaming by Sunset Rubdown, it is Spencer Krugs sideproject.

The show was fairly awesome. Wolf Parade does a great job of performing their songs and there was a good amount of new stuff in the set, so it wasn’t just a live version of Apologies to the Queen Mary. I really liked Frog Eyes, but I think I was one of about 5 people in the audience who did. They are not for everyone.

I was disappointed in how many people were at the show to only hear Wolf Parade’s 3 or 4 radio songs. For both opening acts (the first act was called Whale Bone and were a very solid rock outfit from Seattle, I was impressed) the audience paid no attention. Some actually heckled Frog Eyes, which annoyed the crap out of me as I was trying to enjoy their set. Spencer was playing Keys for Frog Eyes that night, and I could tell he was pissed at the audience’s heckling of that band when he came on with Wolf Parade. The audience was more well behaved for the headline set, but there was almost no dancing, and during the new material it was like the audience had fallen asleep. Sad really.

But the performances were good and Wolf Parade’s new stuff was really good. I think their next release will be decidedly less poppy and more experimental. All in all a fun show.