OK, technically not for another 4 weeks, but word came down that they pulled the funding on my contract and as of August 24 I will be looking.
I’m not too upset, the project was mired in internal politics and should have been killed long ago.
And as always, I have irons in the fire and will likely have an offer before the 4 weeks are up. Or at least, so it appears now (fate can be a twisty thing though.)
We will see…
Jeez, good luck, mate! I was let go in Feb of 2007, and have only had temp jobs since.
(My company migrated all their computers from San Diego to Pittsburgh. They offered to migrate me to Pittsburgh, and, to be honest, if I’d known then what I know now…I might be posting this from Pittsburgh. With or without a job…)
Ouch, fingers crossed for you both. I’ve only been laid off six months, and MrTao can cover us both, with a little stretching, and it hurts. Hell, I crossed the country to crash with online friends the last time I was laid off, 'cause I’d just had it with not being able to find work. And it’s not getting easier.
Thanks for the well-wishes!
I have 3 irons in the fire and all three contacted me this week. I only spoke to two - the third called while I was on the phone with one of the others.
My gut says that at least one of them will turn into a real offer before the 24th. The third one is a man I have worked for before and he has asked me to come back and work for him at least once a quarter for the last 6 years. If he can get the budget, he’ll be a real offer.
None of them grab me and say: I have to have this job!
But all are something I could live with doing and they are all good money.
We’ll see how they go…
OK, so some of those irons are still hot, some are quite cool…
My last day was the 23rd. I received some wonderful, sweet farewell emails, such that they brought tears to my eyes and made me feel proud of my contributions.
If I had to have income, I think I could find work pretty quickly. But I’m sort of enjoying a little leisure and I want to find a job that will get me excited to get up in the morning.
Of the irons in the, one will be calling me next Wed. It looks quite strong - not as an if but as a when. But we’ll see…
Best of luck. It’s certainly better out there than 2009 when I found myself fluttering in the breeze for almost a year.