I work hard to achieve my goals.
You keep wondering, and asking me why I am so lucky. To you, it seems like I get whatever I want, whenever I want. To you, I’m probably the luckiest person in the world because everything I want is within reach. Like you, I’m an introvert. I prefer staying at home, or at my SO’s house reading a book and chatting with people online than to go to a loud party where I find it hard to escape idiots and their idea of an interesting conversation. However, unlike you, I’m not socially inept.
You and I are capable of having nice conversations… about cars, dogs, cats, other animals, renting, but when it comes to personal things, like work, social life, and boyfriends/dates and such, you are a fucking pain in the ass. You and I have graduated high school for five years now. I took some time off to work and then went back to school, and took some time off again. I was lucky to be able to do this because my parents let me live off them rent free. However, it wasn’t LUCK that enabled me to find work. Unlike you, when I need to be, I can become very social, and kiss ass like no tomorrow. You tell me that you don’t have any skills in kissing ass… and then make it seem like I’m some sort of blessed person with social skills. Well, I’m sorry your parents didn’t socialize you better, but believe me, social skills aren’t some sort of prized trait. Everyone has them!!!
So, a while ago, we figured out that you were looking in the wrong places for a job. Retail is most likely not your thing if you can’t even fake a smile to your future boss. That’s fine… how about being an admin assistant, or some other type of office work. Hey, you’re pretty good with computers, how about doing some menial jobs in a field you’re familiar with? No? No one will hire you because you don’t have previous experience? How about volunteering then? Volunteer and then you will have the experience to find a real job that pays. What do you mean you don’t know where to look for volunteer jobs!!! They’re all over town. Every freakin’ charity and society and organization needs volunteers!!! Okay, let’s scrape that volunteer idea for a minute… how about dog walking? You looooove your two little pooches and read up on how to take care of them all the time. You love taking them for walks, so why don’t you create some flyers, distribute them around your neighbourhood, and see who takes you up on it? What do you mean that’s a job for a twelve year old kid?!? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU FUCKING WANT FROM ME? I give you all these suggestions, and you shoot them down because you don’t want to do it. If you want to talk about luck, you’re lucky you’re still fucking alive after this aggravating conversation!
But you, this would be all okay, I can accept my friends’ faults and be friends with them regardless, but can’t you, just for a fucking second, stop whining about how crappy your life is, and how lucky I am? I don’t mind that you’re a socially inept person and I am one of your few friends you confide in. I feel bad that you don’t know how to function properly, but stop making me seem like the bad guy because I am doing what I set out to do with my life. Very little part of my life is actual luck. You know what luck is? Your parents continuing to let you live with them, rent free, tuition paid for and don’t mind a single bit that you have yet to find a job since you graduated from college. THAT is luck!! My achievements come from HARD WORK! HARD WORK!! HARD WORK!!!