I Am Proud Of My President Because....

  1. He can pronounce “proliferation”.

  2. He can invent new words- " Transshipment". Many people of lesser intellect would say " transportation ", or alternately they would say " shipment ". The rare few would create out of whole cloth a new swatch in the beautiful tapestry that is the English language.

That is why I am proud of my President.

Oh man. Oooooooooooh man. How utterly frightening. :eek:

Pssst. Look in a dictionary before posting. I mean, I’m sure he didn’t use it correctly, but it’s not a new word.

You also considered the possibility that Kerry’s advisors deliberately chose that phrase to see if they could get Bush to flub it? He maneuvred his way around it the first time, albeit not without (IMO) a bit of flustering, but certainly far less than he exhibited at other moments. I thought his pauses lacked a certain drama.

Nukular isn’t as grating as it used to be. Meanwhile I’m confident he used transshipment not because he was flustered but because he wanted to subtly reassure the swing vote that he can properly pronounce and employ big words;)

“Somebody get that man a quarter!” came out of my mouth more than once.

I cannot for the life of me remember what he said (it was one of the first Big Words he used) and my face went all :eek: and there was a silence in the room for a good 5 seconds while we all tried to figure out what happened. He cracks me up though. I loved the “What the fuck ever” faces he kept making during Kerry’s time. Everytime he smirked, lowered his eyes, or shook his head, my brother would say, “Whatever, dawg.” which had me rolling. At one point (during a 90 second rebuttal), George seemed almost angry. He raised his voice a bit at which time my brother’s female companion yells, “Yeah! Stick it in his ass!” and, again, my face went :eek: and I was all, “WTF?”

Ah, good times. I’ll have to find a transcript or something though, because I really have no idea what either of them said. :smiley:

He’s not quite Vladimir Putin.

I’m glad your proud. Now make sure you go and vote like a nice boy/girl and remember to post crap like this in the Pit from now on.

I loved this statement Bush made:

The enemy understands a free Iraq will be a major defeat in their ideology of hatred. That’s why they’re fighting so vociferously."

Dear God! The enemy is fighting noisily!

I wonder if he had a selection of cards with Big Words spelled phonetically, hoping for a chance to use them in a sentance.

Make that “Vlad-uh-mur.” First-name-only basis, please. shakes head

I’ve never watched a Presidential debate before tonight, and I was nervous going in, but it turned out fine for my guy. He was calm, articulate, and very Presidential, while Bush leaned against the podium, kept smirking and giving strange looks while Kerry was speaking (loved C-Span’s split-screen!) and generally rambling. And for all the talk about Kerry’s tan in the last few days, it was Bush who looked positively ORANGE tonight. Very odd.

I wish the horrors of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo had come up, but they might still in one of the next two debates.

Condescension and glaring grammatical errors should never occur simultaneously.

I am proud of my President because he can blink out “Mayday! Mayday!” in Morse Code with his eyes while Kerry is talking. Anybody else would just have done S.O.S. but not our Cowboy!

I refuse to watch the debates until the candidates use the word:Disrespect.

“Osama bin Laden has disrespected the United States of America when he formulated a plan to crash the planes into the Twin Towers.”

I know everyone else is giggling over “mexed missages,” but I was impressed at how far out of his way he could go (“weapons of mass destruction,” specifically) in order to not have to say “nucular.”

Wouldn’t you figure that the ability of a Yale treasure such as Kerry could slam dunk Bush and make him his bitch? Never seems to happen.

Not a great Bush fan. I don’t mind a lean to the right, but far right ideology scares me, and BushCo has the ideologues in camp.

I’d go for Kerry if there was more guarantee he’d be in the middle like Clinton (buit Clinton would never get my vote because he started out on the left with Socialized Medicine-Hillary).

SO…all that being said, Bush gets a lot of points for noting that he doesn’t do the popular thing all the time. He does what he believes is best…often quite different than what is popular. And I agree that sending consistent powerful messages around the world has long term benefits, since floundering like chumps has cost us dearly by rewarding the enemy. And he noted that Iraq is a black hole sucking in terrrorists. Discount these points, if you choose, but this is why I am proud.

Note: this is not GD.

A few points.

  • “Transshipment” is a real word and the President used it correctly.
  • Each candidate stumbled over a few words.
  • Each candidate went to Yale
  • Vladimir Putin probably does not pronounce “George” as the President would prefer it pronounced, either; most Russians tend to harden G’s into either a hard G (Ghee-orj Poosh) or sharpen them into a CH (Chorch Poosh).
  • the President did, however, mispronounce “nuclear” and “mullah”.

If you’re grading the candidates on their pronunciation, I submit that you’ve probably made up your mind already, and that you’re probably a little nostalgic for President Clinton. Like him or hate him, he was the most articulate President we’ve had in decades.

I loved this statement Bush made:

I loved that one, too, and made almost the exact same comment.
I came up with a new debate drinking game last night that we were unfortunately unable to play because we had to work today. It’s simple, really: every time G.W.B. mispronounces or uses a word incorrectly, take a drink. We plan to play during next week’s debate (Friday night!). We should be good and wasted after an hour and a half.


Granted, this is not GD, but “sending consistent powerful messages around the world” is not a good thing if your messages are wrong.

-Taken from Cambridge.com


You see, people make mistakes.

I thought he said something like


I thought it was a combination of ferociously and vociferously.

I’m not sure what Parental Advisory is getting at with the :rolleyes: Sometimes using words helps. Are you rolling eyes at Bush or at Lissa.

Fighting vociferously should not be considered the same as fighting ferociously, which is what Bush meant. Vociferous is more along the lines of “verbally ferocious”.