For a few years, I lurked in the darkness. Reading such fascinating things, learning quite a lot on the way. I even picked up a few catch phrases along the way. Asshat still tickles my cousin’s husband for no apparent reason.
Then last year, the call was made for the Death Pool. I’d never really payed much attention to this, but after reading, I whipped out the credit card, subscribed, and got to making a list. Not that anyone in my pool has gone belly up. Damn them.
Really, the point of this pointless post is to share how I see the SDMB.
I see it as a huge party. Each forum taking place in a different room so to speak. And I’ve wandered around this party for a while now, and had the pleasure of people sharing their joy, and shared in the grief of others. (Though silently.) And how wonderful it is that you can share in so much! The knowledge here is amazing, the stories can make you laugh and cry. I just wanted to thank the hundreds of posters who have shared so much. Even when I never responded, I read. There are times when it’s still a bit intimidating to respond to something here. Hell, I’ve been formulating this post for about two weeks in my head. And it’s still not coming out as articulate as I’d hoped. But it never does. I doubt I’ll ever be the one dancing on the table with a lampshade on her head, but I’d like to not continue to be a wallflower either.
It’s funny, because I’ve been a fan of the site for so long, that when friends and family members find out where I got my info, or I share a story with them they just find it weird that I’d spend time posting on a message board with people I don’t know. But after a while, you kinda do.
So thank you to all the posters out there, you guys are worth every penny!