I can't be the only one who loves watching The Millionaire Matchmaker

I thought nothing could have topped the serial killer eyes guy, until last night that is.

Robin does her make-up in the same style as Mimi from the Drew Carey show. Patti tells her she looks like a crayon factory blew up in her face. She’s immature, morbidly obese, botoxes her dog, and loves Hello Kitty. And wine. Lots and lots of wine. She wants a man who is 6’2" to 6’4", Jewish and looks just like Matthew McConaughey.

Her date with Luke, the gold-digger, was painful to watch. I felt sad for her.

Oh, I look at it once in a while when I’m visiting my mom. (It’s like a blown-up version of another matchmaker show I used to just love, did you ever see the one a couple years ago with Patty, set in Buffalo NY? Featuring ordinary people. She was a pistol!) One has to wonder, are these people really so deluded, or is it to some degree scripted for reality TV? The ante always has to be upped. Fascinating stuff to watch.

You’re not. My wife loves it…DVR’s it. I’ve caught bits and pieces and some whole episodes. I didn’t catch the episode you mention, but it sounds like a dandy. I have no problem not feeling bad for women who get crapped on during their date with an obnoxious millionaire. I mean, you’re going out with this guy because he’s rich…no other reason.

I remember that show. I saw a couple of episodes and enjoyed it.

What I love about MMM is that Patti comes through for her clients, but time after time, the client is his or her own worst enemy.

Some of her clients are very nice people, as are many of the dates. A few weeks ago, she matched Judith Regan.

Watching an obnoxious millionaire making a train wreck out of what could have been a good date is great fun though.

I have caught this show, and it can be fun sometimes. (It is most fun when inviting girlfriends over. Friends active in the dating pool+wine+sarcastic comments+MMM = win.)

I will admit though, that MMM has taught me one thing. If a guy says “Age is just a number,” he is the most number focused of them all.

Oh yeah.

Sometimes the client shows us exactly why they are single. You know, like, ‘testing’ a first date to see if they are worthy of you (and telling them that!) by providing a nice first date dinner of fermented duck embryo.

I am ashamed to admit that I watch it sometimes when nobody else is home. I’m mainly interested in seeing the hot girls she lines up for the “parties” and, of course, comparing myself favorable to the rich guys with no social skills. Only a million dollars keeps me from finding my one true love during a 5 minute mini-date.

I liked the irritating Jersey guy that was told not to drink and not to bring her date around his irritating friends.

He took her to a rooftop bar to hang out with his friends and get shitfaced. Drinking Patron shots, trying to get her to do them, (she didn’t drink), then trying to kiss her while his idiot friends were doing the “OW!! OWW! OWWW!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH” Jersey shouting thing.

The clients on the show actually don’t pay for the service in exchange for being on the show, so I wonder if that effects who they select and how much they are truly looking for love…

The bro’ date. Classic. He was Brooklyn all the way.

Ah. Brooklyn then. No offense intended - I’d hate to be lumped into the same category as that douchebag too.

I started a thread on Bravo reality shows in general but it didn’t go too far. So no, you’re not. I started off hating the show and Patti but Bravo TV shows always get under my skin. Even if I think they’re boring, I’ll be watching a marathon and somehow I’ll grow to love it if they show a day’s worth of shows.

I did see last night’s. Was that real? It felt so contrived–look, let’s put the fat girl on a bike, etc.

Also I’ve been reading that Robin, the millionairess who was overweight, had a TSA lawsuit last year (she was manhandled) and got a payout. Could that be the real source of her money? She doesn’t look like she’d be all that good at PR…

That was the best episode! That guy was so freaking creepy…I kept waiting for him to skin her and wear her as a scarf!

That would explain a lot. Seemed very strange that someone with THAT personality is a self-made millionaire.

Robin is actually an attractive woman, to my taste (morbidly obese? C’mon :dubious: ). But, damn … so ditzy and childlike. It’s exhausting to be with an SO like that, money or not.

I’ve also read that she has rich parents, and that her net worth is about $1.7 million. While that’s nothing to sneeze at, it may be all tied up in her assets (apartment, business)–I doubt she can spare enough to buy a Maserati. If you watch the show Selling NY on HDTV, you’ll see a real show that caters to millionaires: apartments regularly going for millions. Robin’s not poor but she’s not really in the big leagues. Though I doubt most of the people on this show are…

After reading this Robin Kassner interview … I wonder.

Destin and Rachel’s baby is called Sin Halo? I know, that wasn’t the focus, but I can’t get over that!

275 to 300 lbs, easy.

Did you see the close-up shot of her legs and her attempting to walk up CPW?

What? That’s the low end of NFL linemen size, and those guys have a foot in height and a ton of muscle weight over her.

Plus, no double chin :smiley:

Yeah, she didn’t look like a short woman either. So yeah, I’d say 250-300 is a fair estimate.