Joe Millionaire 2

Was Joe Millionaire 2 filmed back-to-back with Joe 1? I’m wondering how are they going to keep people interested in the show if we already know the premise (Joe & his choice will get a million) And if Joe & his choice know they are going to get the million it takes the fun out of it.

What twists could they add to this show to make it a hit like Joe Millionaire 1?

He’ll actually be a millionare?

I don’t know, seems like it would be harder to do. Maybe they don’t get the money this time if they choose to be together


I remember hearing somewhere that they’re using woman from other countries who haven’t seen the original.

whatever it takes for money, eh Fox?

Can we nominate Tyson?
“Joe used to be a Millionaire”

Five minutes in and it already looks like a trainwreck. “Joe” can barely string 3 words together but seems like a decent enough guy.

Hmm, it’s nice to see that other countries have such a possitive view of americans. :rolleyes:

I know. Except for a few, especially Lina, they all seemed rather cheap and tacky, with their spandex and bottle-blonde do’s and too much skin - I keep thinking “Sarah Ferguson” (though I LOVE her now, forgive me Fergie!)…

That said, they’re probably all kind of likeable in their own ways, and, to be fair, pretty, so give it time…

I don’t watch much TV, but I caught this show tonight. I got to say, I was not impressed with these eurosluts.

They were all stupid, shallow, stuck-up, boozy club sluts with hard hard faces.

Please tell me these are not representative European women. I’ve had this fantasy of sultry, exotic, intelligent females.

I don’t watch much TV, but I caught this show tonight. I got to say, I was not impressed with these eurosluts.

They were all stupid, shallow, stuck-up, boozy club sluts with hard hard faces.

Please tell me these are not representative European women. I’ve had this fantasy of sultry, exotic, intelligent females.

This show doesn’t have one decent looking woman on it. BLECH!

I agree, everyone of them looked trashy and had spent too much time in a tanning booth. I laughed when one said “so what does he do all day? Does he just sit on his ranch, or does he go out Clubbing?” like this was some big factor on whether or not she’d like him. I’m the same age as these women (and being a guy should be less mature by nature), and I think I lost the urge to “go Clubbing” about 5 years ago.

The women on this show are about as representative of European women as the stars of American reality shows are of real American women, which is to say, not much. I went on a church trip across the pond a couple of summers ago, to England, Austria, and Slovakia, and all of the women we met (mostly college-age) ranged from extremely charming to downright cute. :wink:

That being said, all the women on this show seem despicable. :smiley: I’m hoping that at least one or two of them seem a little better next week; we didn’t hear a few of them talk too much.

On a side note, Mrs. S and I were excited to here Paul explain how to say hello politely in Czech, since it was about the only thing we remembered how to say in Slovak (which is similar, at least in this case). Dobre den (who knows if that’s spelled right) means “Good day.” :smiley:

We’ll be watching next week, but I’m not sure this is going to hold my interest. Maybe we’ll give it the “Paradise Hotel” treatment, and miss a few weeks, only to get seriously addicted toward the end of the show.

And the hostess? Much better than Alex last year. :smiley: Hopefully she won’t get all scary. :eek:

Didn’t catch it, but glad the hostess is better than Alex. I kept waiting for her to just say “I’m a robot. I’m talking like a robot. I’m a robot.”

Joe Millionaire is the most cynical, nasty, downright evil show on TV. I love it. I think they’re really playing up the negative sides of these women this week, but I’m sure they’ve stacked the deck with some decent ones, too, like last time. I mean, what’s-her-name that won worked with freaking orphans for crying out loud!

I was amused with the whole horse-choosing scene, firstly because not a one of the women there would give a rat’s ass what kind of horse he rode in on, and secondly because I think they were doing a bit of a nod to last season, when Evan was barely able to stay on his animal.

IMO, this is the worst crap that the entertainment media has to offer.

Hard core porn seems high brow in comparison.

Shallow gold-diggers are the same everywhere, and not just restricted to women either.

There is something particularly repulsive about lifting people out of poorer nations (from what I’ve heard there’s a disproportionate number of Eastern Europeans), waving extreme wealth in their faces, and then snatching it all away as a lie and dumping them back home.

Will series 3 feature third-worlders? I’m must be some cute Ethiopians out there and it would be all the more gripping if the victim is really dirt-poor and desperate. :rolleyes:

I’m sure there must be…

One day vBulletin and Mozilla will combine to produce a message box that’s a decent width where mistakes like that are easily noticed. One day…

I would have thought there would be some bigger bosoms. Seems some of the women have a bit too much makeup. The cowboy has some interesting closed captioned accent.

If by “East European”, you mean German, Swedish, Italian, and Dutch, then yes there are a disproportionate number of them. On the other hand, if you’re referring to the Czech women, then there are only two or three of them - hardly disproportionate at all.

Every single one of 'em is a skank and a golddigger and a drunk. The only comments they made Fox could even put on the air were about liking to party, getting rich, and being hung over. How did they cast this one - by handing out flyers at nightclubs? Fourteen is a strange number, too - must have been a couple of late dropouts or DQ’s.

David could not have been able to keep up his role in this very easily. Maybe his attending the World Series alone is a hint to us?