I posted a few weeks ago (I think) that I might be taking on some part-time work at my eldercare company as a scheduler. Well, one thing led to another, the lead scheduler walked without much notice, the second-in-line (also a newbie) turned out to be difficult for everyone to work with, so guess who has a new job now?
Actually it’s still a tentative, temporary position–I’m not sure that I’ll take it on a permanent basis, but I figured I’d do it while the bosses (and I) decided what’s going to happen next.
And you know…it’s not bad. I schedule caregivers, fill open positions, deal with call-ins, that sort of thing. I talk to a lot of caregivers on the phone, deal with a few clients, do a lot of work with the scheduling program. It’s actually kind of cool sometimes. The other office women are awesome, and I really enjoy working with them.
Of course, I’m also still delivering papers, and seeing my eldercare client, so that means my day runs from 4am to 5 pm weekdays, 1/2 day Saturday, and a 24 hr oncall phone shift on Sunday. Which is really, really tiring, but I keep remembering that this is temporary, the money will get me in a better position, and I think that things will change around the time the kids get out for summer break.
And by then I’ll be ready to relax too!
That’s a lot of work! Hope you can manage to get enough rest between all those jobs.
I’m lazy and will stick to my 20 hours of paper delivering per week. Now that the snow’s gone and sun is going up at 5am it’s starting to be actually quite nice, if it doesn’t rain. Can’t wait for proper summer and delivering papers in full sunlight, flowers and birdsong everywhere.
I love delivering papers. If I could do twice as many papers, I wouldn’t try to have a second job at all!
This is exhausting, but I’m trying to take it easy in the evenings. The kids are a really big help–they’re very responsible for 11 and 13 year olds–so all I have to do is come home and throw together dinner. Just a few more weeks, then we’ll see what happens with the day job…I may move to a work-from-home position or just fill in. I’m not attached to the money–it’s nice, but not my primary income, so while I’d like to do a few weeks, I’ll be able to walk away when and if.