I can't believe I'm the first one up MMP


Come to Austintown Ohio and support their local cat-house

Motorcycle optional but cash is greatly appreciated

Sorry - it’s a bit of a hot-button issue with me. I hate dogs that beg, and giving her bits of what you’re eating just encourages that behavior. Plus there’s the health issue - dogs do not need potato chips or popcorn or ice cream or the hunks of gristle you couldn’t chew. No, one little bit won’t hurt her, but reinforcing unwanted behavior makes my life worse. The only way to train a critter is consistency. Dammit.

OK, I’m Zen now…

Where’s this wood chipper?

I haven’t had breakfast and it’s time for N.O.L.
I haven’t started laundry yet either.

I have however, been on the phone all morning trying to get other things done.

MOOOOOOM I confess to bein’ a dawg spoiler in the past. Not the feed from the table kind but the kind who would save a little bit of steak to mix in with his/her food. Also the kind that would feed him/her more dawggie treats than I should. I’m a sucker and a soft touch and they know that. However, I have always drawn the line at sleepin’ in the bed with me. Ok, I have had dawgies sneak into bed after I’m asleep and caught 'em but didn’t make a deal out of it and probably should have put 'em back in their beds. Have I mentioned dawgies know that I’m a sucker? :smiley:

We’ve had rain/tstorms/apocalypse move through with more on the way this afternoon and evenin’. I say bring it on!

When I first started in EMS, the squad had a lot of old-timers & they all but physically beat it into us that when out & about to drive the bus very carefully; more cautiously than our own personal cars.
The reason? Because in BIG letters on the sides & back it had <name of> Ambulance, making it a very identifiable vehicle.

I told the head of the township’s public works dept that maybe he should teach this lesson to his employees. Especially when one of them wants to be a real dirtbag & hit my pet peeve by spiking his (cigarette) butt out the window.

Said employee will be attending the body modification school of learning as he’s gonna have less arse when Don is done!

<returns poison [del]pen[/del] keyboard to bobbio>
Tree was cut down two weeks ago; stump grinders came today. Iffn they don’t come back & clean up I may ask to borrow that wood chipper…for the stump grinder! :eek:

Oh, that kind of cat house. NM <closes mapquest>. :o

Spaz, the closest to a castle to storm in my little town is city hall (ironically located on Castle Heights Avenue) and if I did that, my councilman probably wouldn’t play my requests on the radio anymore (he’s one of the local deejays). :frowning:

Rockin’, when I change a light that has burned out on my vehicle, if it’s part of a pair, I change them both. At that point, they have equal hours on them and if I’m paying to have it done, they don’t charge any more labor for two than one.

We had thunderboomers last night, which made it cool this a.m. But it’s hack to hoomid now.

I now know how to change the third brake light (the one that got replaced yesterday), the blinker (that wasn’t burned out) and the lower brake light (that was burned out). I gained a pound, and my phone stopped working because AT&T’s towers weren’t working.

I’m going to take a nap and start over. I’s tahrd.

Did you eat the old bulb & just how many calories are in a bulb? :confused:

I too live in Deep Creek! shifty eyes I swear to OG if we find out we live on the same street thats just going to be be such a weird coinky-dink!

The two are unrelated.

I’ve had a nap now and I’m in a somewhat better mood.

Well, the sun is now shining here at my aunt’s place, the cicadas are calling, the breeze is blowing, and the construction workers are constructing.

I went to the big CBC building this morning and it had a little museum that I enjoyed. I then went to the big aquarium and saw lots of fascinating fishies!

So was it your party Saturday night that had the live band?

What does it mean, “coinky-dink”?
Is that a slang term for a wood chipper?

If I have to hear one more time about tornado warnings I am going to scream.
I got the first 20 times you said it.
I’m glad none of my friends called me up to warn me like the news was encouraging them to do. Because its not enough that the TV goes BEEPBEEPBEEP every two seconds so I can look at all the warnings going across the screen and the news casters aren’t repeating themselves over and over and over one more time - now they want everybody within the broadcast area to call me up and tell me to take cover.
They show little green boxes and little red boxes and OMG! when a green box touches a red box there is a chance, a chance of a tornado, and if you are in this area you need to head for your basement NOW!, and if you are driving (instructions a driver won’t hear because if they are driving they aren’t watching TV, or at least you hope NOT), and then after 15 minutes of preempting the regularly scheduled program with the Chicken Little routine they come back and say, okay tornado warning over now.
A simple little, hey conditions are right for a tornado so ya know don’t be hanging out by the window and don’t drive if you don’t have too and if you hear something that sounds like a freight train coming you might want to head to the basement would suffice.

and what really upset me, I found out that somebody I have always liked is a neo-nazi.
I’ve never seen any signs of it but then sometimes people hide their views
I hope it is just gossip or a misunderstanding of something that was said, but if not then …
Sometimes ignorance is bliss

Why do the people around me make it so hard for me to like them?

“Florida? But that’s America’s wang!” - Homer Simpson

it’s Yiddish

Howdy from da cave! 'Tis cloudy, rainyish and generally icky out. Looks like tstorms may be on the way. YAY! Ima go grill up some chikin tenders in a little bit. They shall be sliced and placed upon a nice sallit for dindin. YUM!

For coinky-dink.

We had another toad-soaker this afternooon. I checked the basement, and fortunately, no water intrusion. And it’s drying down there, gradually.

Supper has been ingested, and after I catch the reruns of Colbert and The Daily Show, I’m going to pack for tomorrow. I’m hoping to get to sleep early so I can get on the road early. Best case is just under 13 hours… ugh.

I think I need some ice cream. Yes, I do…

Dindin is ingested. 'Twas good. I wanted OYKW to spend the night but that was not to be. He has paperirk stuff to deal with alas.