I can't believe I'm the first one up MMP

Have not read but will.

Can I quit work now? The PTB are in town this week. The internet connection at my irk hasn’t irked for a couple of days and it is all my fault. Seriously folks be getting mad at me for that.

I just went through an inspection debacle last week now the big shots want to go over our standards and metrics. Ok, we are doing all we can do. It is busier than ever, I haven’t had a real vacation in years, sales are record breaking, budget looks good…“What is your biggest challenge?” Really? I wanted to say “having to deal with you folks” but I thought carefully and said “the weather”. My boss looked relieved, so relieved.

Tell them Swampy said it was okay. :slight_smile:

Dear Butters boss,

Butters has my permission to quit irk now.



flytrap, “kthanxbye” is Yiddish.

The rest of the afternoon went well. Dindin has been consumed: Hot dogs, corn on the cob, and French fries with cantaloupe for 'zert. Now it’s time to go to my radio club meeting. Then it’s bedtime.

G’night, y’all.

But I thought it was “hankstay”.

I just saw an old friend and we ate ice cream!
Now I’m back at my aunt’s place but nobody seems to be around, so I’m not sure what’s going on or if we’ll have dinner or what. I’ll figure something out.

ETA - the dog’s barking, so maybe someone is coming soon?

Swampy, I’m so disappointed that you didn’t do what I expected you to do, which is:
Hey Sari, watch out for the tornado!

Mooommm, since you & FCD are going to be away, maybe you can take inspiration from this picture I took in the aftermath of [del]Hurricane[/del] Super Storm Sandy & do a temporary fix on your chimney. I’m sure the shaft will keep it in place for a few days. :smack: :stuck_out_tongue:


I thought of that, but Swampy, unlike some folks in the MMP, (I name no names) is a gentleman.


You really shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.
Besides, I thought that was my job.


You are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.

Let’s talk pancreatitis, shall we? I don’t know if pugs are susceptible, but schnoodles certainly are. After being fed so much ‘people food’ by my grandparents (who obviously didn’t know what they were doing), if you look at my dogs funny they end up getting it. Don’t do this to your dog. I know, FCM, you’re not. I just meant in general.

Hey,** kopek**, I just danced through Austintown this weekend. My show was at YSU. JD Eicher sounds familiar to me. Not sure why, though.

I should be doing homework right now, but I’m not. Ha!

Hey Sari - watch out - tornado!!! Do I miss Missouri? No. No, I do not. Oh well, enjoy the rain at least :smiley:

FCM - have a safe trip!

And from the Left Hand side of the continent, we are still hot and dry. Replicants are still sick. The cats think this is fine though, more laps for naps!

Kielbasa for din-din. And that’s all for today.

We rarely get tornadoes here
We had one some years back that killed a few people

I did see the aftermath of a twister down on the river a few years ago
It was the weirdest thing to see a straight line of damage, one house lost it’s siding on one side and the house next door not touched
You could see the path of damage, but it was a very narrow path and a strange sight.


Home from the horsepistol part deux. I had an abcess in my abdomen as a post-op complication.

But you’re feeling much better, now.

I worked. It stormed. I went to a meeting(in a bar). The power went out when i got home. Happy Mid-weekend!


But abscess makes the heart grow fonder, though.:wink: Glad you’re home and OK.

FCM, I am heartless and cruel and only feed Gordie dog food. But I don’t get hassled when I eat dinner.

Well, eating a relatively normal dinner (Jollibee’s hamburger-patty-with-mushroom-gravy and mashed potatoes meal) happened today. I’ve also eaten some of a rather light-textured cake. The mouth is healing! With any luck, I’ll be able to enjoy the pizza scheduled at work Saturday (reward for going a certain number of days without any lost-time injuries).