I can’t carry a grudge. No, this isn’t a declaration of some amazing moral fiber in my being, it’s a simple statement–no, COMPLAINT–of fact. The thing is, I can try to hold a grudge. But I have such a craptacular memory for names that I literally forget who I am supposed to be mad at and you know? THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF!
Oh, or sometimes I can remember who but I end up forgetting why which is almost worse, because I have a vague sense of dislike/distrust/unease about a person but can’t remember what caused it.
Me too - and the worst part is when you run into someone that is carrying a mutual grudge with you, and you KNOW you shouldn’t be nice, and they’re downright hostile, and you can’t remember exactly why.
That sucks.
By the way - you and me, we’re ok, right?
Well, I more than make up for you two. But I won’t hold it against y’all.
Yeah that does suck
Yeah, I think so… you didn’t kick my dog or anything, did you?
Who me? Nah, me either.
That’s hilarious! I should poke my head out of Cafe Society more often, then I may have seen your original thread!
Or, worse, you run into someone who’s acting cool to you and you don’t know why and wonder if you two had a fight but you don’t remember but s/he obviously does. This has happened to me. I just asked, “Look, are you mad at me?” “YES.” “Why?” “YOU KNOW WHY.” But I didn’t, and by the time I convinced the person I didn’t, the person was mad that I didn’t remember the fight. :dubious:
I can’t carry a grudge, either. They shed terribly.
OpalCat, you should try making a list of your grudges. But wait until you’ve got at least three going.
But then I’d almost certainly forget where I put the list.