I caught an oriental cockroach

The other night I was watching the TV and out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving across the floor. I live in the basement apartment of a house, so the occasional insects are to be expected. At first it looked like a grasshopper, but it wasn’t hopping, and upon closer inspection it was a big ass cockroach. About an inch long, black, not very fast, and apparently, alone.

We’ve been here since November and I’ve never seen one of these in here before, and I looked around (it appears to have come from out of the closet, there’s a sump pump in the floor in there) and didn’t see any more so hopefully this was just a straggler who found his way in.

Anyway, I flicked it against the wall and went into the kitchen, grabbed an empty 8 oz. deli container (like this), went back and scooped him up and snapped on the lid.

Now he’s just sitting on a table and I’m wondering how long it can live in there. It’s been 2 1/2 days so far.

Have you checked your apartment for high Radon levels???:wink:

When I worked in a biology lab in college one of the grad students who worked with leeches had a leech in a jar of water on a shelf. She wanted to find out how long it could live without eating or getting fresh air/water. At the time I asked her about it, it had been six months and the leech was still alive.

So basically, you’re gonna want popcorn. Lots of popcorn.

How do you know it’s oriental? Conical hat?

I’m afraid to admit it but this made me snigger.

It crawled out of a chink in the floor.

I honestly don’t know why I still try to eat or drink while reading these forums.
Oh well… at least my monitor is squeaky clean now that I’ve cleaned off the diet coke.

We call them Asian cockroaches now.