I celebrated my 80th birthday on top of a mountain

To celebrate my 80th birthday, on Saturday all my kids showed up and we climbed a local mountain. It’s only 3398 feet elevation, but a somewhat steep and primitive trail, 1200 feet of vertical climb in about 1.25 miles.

As I climb it almost every day in the 100 degree heat, it did not bother me, but it sort of wore out the youngsters (in their 50s).

Anybody have any suggestions on what to do for my 90th birthday?

80 years? Climbed a mountain? You rock!


Congrats! You’re obviously someone like my MIL, who climbed Beacon Rock this weekend – for her 81st birthday. It’s not quite as much as your climb, about 850 feet in 3/4 mile, but it’s still a steep climb. We went along with her when she did it for her 75th, and she wore out all the young people that time, too!

Happy birthday, and many more!

Climb it in winter?

Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day!

If you haven’t tried it yet, take up skydiving for your 90th :slight_smile: And not a sissyfied tandem jump either, take the accelerated freefall course or do a static-line jump!

Kick Chuck Norris’ ass.

Wow! Happy birthday, Sir Geoff!

Way to go! You kick some serious ass.

On your 90th do it twice.

And then climb a mountain. rimshot

For your 90th I think you should motorcycle cross-country. Happy birthday!

That’s really awesome, KlondikeGeoff. Happy belated birthday!

I think at 90, you can be forgiven for doing a tandem.

But why wait? Sounds like a perfect thing to do for #81. Congrats!

Have sex on the mountain?

Have sex with the mountain?

KlondikeGeoff, way to go, and happy birthday!

There’s a joke about an 80-year-old risking a broke back in there, but I’m not going to try to tell it.

You rock KlondikeGeoff! Happy birthday!

Motorcycle? Bah! BIcycle cross country!


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Obviously you are young! I mean, even with Viagara…? :smiley:

CONGRATULATIONS!! I think for your 90th you should run with the bulls in Pamplona. That is if you haven’t already :wink: