I could quite possibly be unemployed by 3:30 PM tomorrow

So, get your taunts and pointing and yelling, I told you he’d never amount to anything type slogans ready to go.*
Sigh:frowning: :frowning:

Oh well, I’ll let you know tomorrow.

*Oh yeah and round up the mob and don’t forget the torches, scythes, clubs and pitchforks.

Uh oh. You weren’t caught stealing one size 10 shoe and one size 12.5 shoe, were you?

That sucks. What happened?

I’m sorry, WSLer. . .let us know if we can do anything.

No door can be opened without the previous door first being closed.

Nicole Kidman said that in The Others.

Of course, she went mad in that one.
Good luck, I think most people know how it feels.

[sub]Well? - You still employed?[/sub]

If not - sorry dude - that sucks. But you can do better anyways.

If so - Congrats - but working still sucks.

Good Luck.

What’s going on, Wsler? Must have more information.

I’m still employed at L. L. Bean.

Here’s the deal: I was hired as a mutli-packer, which means that if you order 2 pairs of shoes and 3 shirts, I would pack and ship it out. I was the only re-hire who had never done multi-pack before, last year I worked in the gift boxing dept and did some single packing.

So, it took me a bit of time to get a handle on what the hell actaully went on in the department. The packing part wasn’t so tough, except I never made it up to the performance expectations.

So, after meeting with my team leader a few times, I was transferred up to the single pack department about a month ago. What used to be a one person process has been turned into a team-single pack process, which to my eye, didn’t seem to be working all that well, but what the hell do I know?

Again, I apparently wasn’t meeting performance expectations and was in fact "holding up the team process. (I actually had to sigh a piece of paper acknowledging this!!!:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Then on Tuesday I was told that Wednesday would be my last day in the department and that after that staffing would try and find another job in the distribution department, and if that wasn’t feasible, that I would have to go over to staffing and see if there was a position elsewhere in the L.L. Bean universe that would be a better job fit.

So, wednesday I started out in singles, but ended up back in multi-packing, working on PR (problem resolution), which I also did yesterday.

Today, worked over in the postal department, which meant that I actually got to spend a good bit of time sitting one my ass and reading!! But I did do a good bit of actual work.

What’s bad about it is that there hasn’t been any real resolution one way or the other. Every day I go see my team leader and every day she says, “Come back tomorrow and hopefully we’ll known what the conclusion will be.”

Not the most optimistic sounding words.

The only good thing, ( actually that’s not true, the fact that I still have a job is cool) is that I’ve gotten to talk to the woman that I like. Of course I haven’t asked her out or anything like that .


  1. I’m 33, she’s 23.

  2. I’m scared.

1& 2 tie together in a way which is too long to get into here, but it involves my ex-girlfriend.

As to what you guys can do, hey you kept me from committing suicide last year, and you’re keeping me smiling these days, so thaks for being there.

Ok, I know it’s easier said than done but don’t let those things stop you (especially #1). I don’t know the details but the worst case scenario seems to be that she would say no - which is pretty much where you are right now, isn’t it? Sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind. :slight_smile:

Best Wishes (and congrats on still having the job).

WSLer, all I can tell you is hang in there and good luck. I know uncertainty’s rough.

Also, I’ve got friends who’ll be moving up to your part of Maine eventually, and at some point, I will be going up to visit them. When I do, if you’re interested, I owe you a hug.