I’m just…not unhappy, but not happy, either. A lot of it is the weather, I think: today it’s just cold and blowing rain all over, very un-Santa Fe-ish.
I’m not homesick. I’m loving college so far. But I freely admit I’m used to being one of the most intelligent people around, and suddenly I’m definitely not. I feel stupid in one of my classes, compared to everyone else, and for once it’s because I truly don’t understand the material, not just “I’m unprepared because I’m lazy as hell”.
I’ve gotten up the guts to talk to a guy who I’m interested in a couple times. He said he’d call me this weekend. He hasn’t.
My roommate’s too goddamned perky every single morning.
People seem to have a hard time with: “No, I’m NOT homesick. I’m calling my best friend fairly regularly because HE’S MY BEST FRIEND. Yes, I sort of miss him, HE’S MY CLOSEST FRIEND.”
My mom called me this morning and sounded genuinely surprised that I didn’t want to go to synagogue for the high holy days, and that I haven’t tried to build some sort of ‘Jewish community’ here. She knows fully well that I can’t fucking STAND judaism, because she and my father forced it on me for so long.
The food just sucks here, there’s never enough of it, and the vegetarian options are the same every fucking day; undercooked rice, potatos, and some nasty-ass grain stuff that’s like, boiled horse feed.
Some people were going to see ‘Hero’ in town the other day, and said that they’d come and get me before they left so I could go, too, but they didn’t.
I thought I may have found someplace where my allergies wouldn’t be as bad and that I wouldn’t get as many headaches…I was wrong.
I thought maybe I’d come closer to finding someplace where I’d actually be happy…instead, I’m fucking idealizing the shithole I’m from, where everyone’s an insensitive, self-absorbed, anti-intellectual fuckwad. :mad: I was fine the first week or two here, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.