I don't get Myspace at all.

Somebody help me out here. A friend of mine convinced me last week to join up, which I’ve done. I’ve added a few friends I know, I’ve uploaded some pictures, I’ve contributed a couple of bulletins, and…now what? I don’t get it.

What’s the point, exactly? If it’s about meeting a bunch of strangers, I’m not all that interested, so maybe I’m in the wrong place. And if it’s for blogging, I can do that elsewhere.

Are there Dopers out there getting a lot of use and enjoyment from Myspace? What am I missing?

I have a Myspace, as do all of my friends from highschool. We use Myspace as an easy way to keep in touch and it really is much easier than trying to keep track of a million emails.

But yeah, I also get plenty of the “Hey MaMi u look FIZZZZZINE!!!1!!! U wanna h00k up sometimes?” crap. You can just ignore that stuff.

I actually stumbled across IndyGrrl yesterday on MySpace. I found someone had befriended a friend of mine that kind of looked familiar. When I went to look at the other pictures, she had one that I knew she’d posted in one of the photo threads here. It was a little surreal.

I joined MySpace to help promote a band I like (Feable Weiner - actually the band that started all the ‘band’ pages on MySpace crap). I use it now to keep in touch with the friends I make when I go to Nashville for concerts (my best friend and I got into the music scene there because of the aformentioned band) and keep up with bands.

But it’s kind of stupid.

I have been screwing about with it for a few months, and still no idea what it’s for, or how it’s better than Friendster (also mostly useless) was. Except it crashes my browser more and is more prone to errors.

I use myspace to keep contact with old friends or acquaintences I haven’t seen in a while, and it’s pretty cool for that. It’s good for keeping in touch with people you don’t get to see as often as you’d like, and occasionally someone you thought you’d lost contact with altogether will look you up. I had a friend from Prague I hadn’t heard from in a couple of years find me just last week. I don’t really have anyone I don’t personally know on mine, except for maybe one or two people who asked me to add them. For me it’s mostly just sort of an easy way to email friends and see what they’ve been up to lately.

Well, for those of you who allow strangers to add you, have you met cool people that way? I’m a little gunshy about having random people stroll along and pick me out, and I’ve heard from friends that there are people who are out to add you as friends simply to boost their own site hits. I’m not really interested in an MLM-Friends scheme. :rolleyes:

I was wondering why you never replied…

I pretty much add anyone who requests it. I would feel bad denying a request. It’s not a big deal, it doesn’t really cost me anything. (Except when one girl kept posting porn on my ‘comments’ section.) If it turns out you never talk to them, you can quietly delete them later and they probably won’t even notice.

I have carried on several conversations with random people that generlally last a couple of weeks. Nothing has ever come of it, but I don’t have anything better to do.

Hey, I don’t know how many times I can apologize, jeez! :smiley:

I’m with wolf in second hand clothing - I’ve talked to some random strangers, had some couple of weeks type conversations, and all that. Nothing big, but it’s been a fun way to kill some time here and there.

I do get annoyed by the obvious email harvesters that send me messages, though. I’ve gotten about 30 messages from girls who are “new in town” and “don’t really know anybody yet”, but I’m welcome to check out their webcam and, hey, they don’t really check this that often so why don’t I just email them at superslutsexyvixen@blah.com. In spite of that crap, it’s still fun.

Link :wink:

I’m on it just for fun, and I’ve connected with some old friends through it. However, there is apparently something about me that says “if you’re 10 years older than me and creepy, send me a friend request!” I don’t get it!

Part of the appeal depends on what you have access to.

I have my own website, so I can post whatever the hell I want there.

OTOH, my GF has no idea of how to build and maintain a website, is not inclined to learn, nor does she want to spend money on such a project. For those folks, Myspace offers the ability to easily post pictures, write blogs, keep up with friends, etc. all for free and with an easy interface. She visits all the time, although I have a Myspace profile, I rarely visit it… 'cos I have my own website.

Perhaps it’s just me (or my circle of friends), but women seem to like it more than men do. You know, that whole female socializing thing.

I like it. You can put in your schools and it acts like classmates.com, only for free. Works for colleges and careers as well.

A lot of the indie bands I care for are on there as well.

Helps to keep up with my buddies in Iraq. They post pics and stories, I comment when I get up…Much better than friendster–for sure.

I don’t however use this to meet people, but people I know or have known in the past have stumbled upon me and I them.

Nows a good time to remind people that there is a SDMB Group on myspace. Just search for it and request membership.

oh, and here’s my page: www.myspace.com/bear_nenno

I think the appeal for me is meeting and talking to strangers. I’m a very social person. I used to fulfill this need by going to clubs and anywhere large groups gather. But there’s not much party action 10 miles south of the DMZ. . .
So Myspace is a good way to fill that void. Back home, it was not uncommon to meet up with someone I talked to on myspace, either. It’s not big deal, its just another way to meet people you wouldn’t have otherwise met. And the other cool thing about it is meeting people in countries all over the world.
I dunno, it’s just a big social cluster. If you’re kind of a recluse or like to stick to close friends, then I’m not suprised that you find little entertainment from MySpace.

I joined just to see what my daughters were up to. I don’t get it either, they have way more friends than I do. :frowning:
Here’s mine

You mean the SDMB group we never use? :slight_smile:

Can I get a link please? My search is fruitless and sad.

I’m here btw…

Feel free to link to me. I love hearing the music that others are listening too.

I love MySpace. I write in my blog a lot. Like, a whole lot. I post lots of pictures and funny crap in there too. I kind of use it like “I don’t want to tell 10 different people the same story about how I hit a deer, so I’ll just post it in my MySpace blog with lots of pictures”.

And I also add pretty much anyone who requests me. I like to find people that go to my school, or old friends that live in my town and whatnot. And I met my boyfriend on MySpace. Seriously. People love to give me crap about that. But ya know, he only lives 30 miles away and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever had so I give MySpace two thumbs up. It’s probably number 2 on my “Most Visited Websites” list, number one being, of course, Straight Dope. And I’m probably going to add everyone who posted in this thread. There’s actually a Straight Dope group that you can be in, but I never post in it.

My site is here.

Is there anything particularly better about MySpace than Friendster, Orkut, theFaceBook, or any of the other social network sites?