Fuck me for turning on the TV and catching part of an HBO special on inner city life or violence–hell, I don’t know what the point of this program is, but I feel like vomiting.
Finally we’re all coming together. People have an outpouring of support for each other. People are being kinder. People care about each other. Heck, you can’t turn around without find a well-meaning public-service announcement about how to talk to your kids about the tragedy, about the violence they’ve seen.
That’s wonderful and heartening and makes me feel great about America. But jesus, there are kids who see terrible violence every day in their lives. They have serious emotional and developmental problems because of the neighborhoods they live in, their lack of family resources (emotional and financial). They’re focusing on a school and neighborhood in Baltimore and I seriously thought I was going to have to go throw up at several points.
After feeling helpless and hopeless for a fucking week, I am suddenly reminded that in some parts of the U.S. people are hopeless and helpless all the time. It’s so discouraging. We have such big ugly problems, even when we don’t have maniacs killing 5,000 at a pop.
I don’t even know what to say about this. No, I don’t think our priorities are wrong at the moment. No, I’m not mad at other Dopers or other people about this. I’m not even usually a bleeding-heart liberal. I just can’t handle this–I can’t handle knowing we’ve got some our kids growing up like this, that we don’t have the resources to fix it, that we don’t have the answers. I can’t handle feeling helpess about something else. Once we survive this tragedy and this war on terrorism will we have the momentum to start fixing this other stuff wrong with our world? Will we have any answers?
I sound like such a pussy. This isn’t coherent and I have no place to go with it. A pointless rant. I just was overwhelmed by watching this. I think it was the wrong week to turn this program on. Someone post something nice, wouldja? Something real positive.