I dreamt of execution

Early this morning, just before waking, I dreamt I was going to be executed by hanging. Seems I’d killed someone, or something like that. I was in Mexico. Unlike what would actually happen, I was taken to a nice restaurant for my last meal. I remember I was sitting on a step or something, and someone gave me a paper bag with a beer in it. (Longboard Lager.) As I held the bag I thought, ‘This is the last beer I’ll ever have.’ Then I thought about going to the gallows and my neck snapping and being dead.

Capital Punishment creeps me out, man.

I dream of Jeannie.

I suspect I wake up far more refreshed.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot too. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to know absolutely when you would die, and that it wouldn’t be a natural death.

I’ve never had an execution dream, that must’ve been very disconcerting knowing you were about to die and by what method. A few weeks ago I had a dream I had gone insane and was sawing off my left hand with a hack saw. It was my own screaming that woke me up. I hope I didn’t freak out the neighbors.

It is a metaphor for life, Johnny.
So much beer, and so little time.

I’ve had a dream like that, too, where I was about to be executed. Don’t remember the details now (it was about twelve years ago), but I remember how badly it freaked me out.

Last night/this morning I dreamed that my mother said something so insulting to me that I stopped speaking to her. I can’t remember what she said, but I feel like I might be able to remember it later (when I’m not trying). The sad thing is that such a scenario could actually happen … I think part of me expects it to happen someday. I don’t know why I dreamed about it last night, though, because our last conversation was fine and I wasn’t thinking about her before I fell asleep or anything.

It’s very unusual for me to remember my dreams, but this one was vivid – the kind where I was still angry and hurt when I woke up.


I don’t know if you’re still in LA, but perhaps the extensive news coverage of Tookie Williams impending execution planted a seed? Take it as you may. Oh, capital punishment creeps me out too.

I left L.A. two years ago. After 17 years, it was bugging the hell out of me.

You should go to the DopeFest. In my opinion, the fish’n’chips at Ye Olde King’s Head can’t be beat!

And yeah, there’s been a lot of execution news lately. The Austrailian kid, Tookie, and I saw some footage of exectutions in North Korea a couple of weeks ago.

You’re all right now, though?

A few nights ago I dreamed that my chiropractor had come to my house (I don’t actually have a chiropractor) and gone mad and shot me in the head but it didn’t kill me, it just left me with a hole in my head. And then a fly flew into the hole and buzzed around and couldn’t get out and this pissed me off greatly. Eventually it flew out, though. Throughout all this I wasn’t scared at all, just really, really pissed. After I eventually escaped my house I sat down and wrote a long post pitting him here. I woke up still feeling pissed.

I once dreamed I was a butterfly, who had dreamt of being a man. But all dreams must end.

As for your dream of a death by hanging – ever read Ambrose Bierce’s An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge?

I don’t remember if I read it, but I’ve seen the film.

That same night, I dreamed of being in a tornado. I was in a car, and it was coming toward me. Some time later, I was in a hospital bed. I looked out the window, and another tornado was headed right for us. I dashed for the windowless bathroom, and tried to get my relatives to come in with me. The windows blew in. They scurried in; nobody was hurt. Not in that room, anyway.

Then I woke up. I staggered around, and I looked at the clock. I got back in the bed, and my little dog licked my ears. It was good to know she had survived the dream.

I dreamed that Janeane Garofolo was sweet and interested in me, not cynical and biting like her stand up act. It was one of those dreams I went back to sleep to return to.