Early this morning, just before waking, I dreamt I was going to be executed by hanging. Seems I’d killed someone, or something like that. I was in Mexico. Unlike what would actually happen, I was taken to a nice restaurant for my last meal. I remember I was sitting on a step or something, and someone gave me a paper bag with a beer in it. (Longboard Lager.) As I held the bag I thought, ‘This is the last beer I’ll ever have.’ Then I thought about going to the gallows and my neck snapping and being dead.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot too. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to know absolutely when you would die, and that it wouldn’t be a natural death.
I’ve never had an execution dream, that must’ve been very disconcerting knowing you were about to die and by what method. A few weeks ago I had a dream I had gone insane and was sawing off my left hand with a hack saw. It was my own screaming that woke me up. I hope I didn’t freak out the neighbors.
I’ve had a dream like that, too, where I was about to be executed. Don’t remember the details now (it was about twelve years ago), but I remember how badly it freaked me out.
Last night/this morning I dreamed that my mother said something so insulting to me that I stopped speaking to her. I can’t remember what she said, but I feel like I might be able to remember it later (when I’m not trying). The sad thing is that such a scenario could actually happen … I think part of me expects it to happen someday. I don’t know why I dreamed about it last night, though, because our last conversation was fine and I wasn’t thinking about her before I fell asleep or anything.
It’s very unusual for me to remember my dreams, but this one was vivid – the kind where I was still angry and hurt when I woke up.
I don’t know if you’re still in LA, but perhaps the extensive news coverage of Tookie Williams impending execution planted a seed? Take it as you may. Oh, capital punishment creeps me out too.
And yeah, there’s been a lot of execution news lately. The Austrailian kid, Tookie, and I saw some footage of exectutions in North Korea a couple of weeks ago.
A few nights ago I dreamed that my chiropractor had come to my house (I don’t actually have a chiropractor) and gone mad and shot me in the head but it didn’t kill me, it just left me with a hole in my head. And then a fly flew into the hole and buzzed around and couldn’t get out and this pissed me off greatly. Eventually it flew out, though. Throughout all this I wasn’t scared at all, just really, really pissed. After I eventually escaped my house I sat down and wrote a long post pitting him here. I woke up still feeling pissed.
That same night, I dreamed of being in a tornado. I was in a car, and it was coming toward me. Some time later, I was in a hospital bed. I looked out the window, and another tornado was headed right for us. I dashed for the windowless bathroom, and tried to get my relatives to come in with me. The windows blew in. They scurried in; nobody was hurt. Not in that room, anyway.
Then I woke up. I staggered around, and I looked at the clock. I got back in the bed, and my little dog licked my ears. It was good to know she had survived the dream.
I dreamed that Janeane Garofolo was sweet and interested in me, not cynical and biting like her stand up act. It was one of those dreams I went back to sleep to return to.