I feel so grown up...

for two reasons.

  1. I actually have my own insurance. Health, dental and vision. Even have some for the husband. Never had insurance that I pay for.

  2. I just opened a savings account and put a whopping $340 in it. That is whopping to me!

I have to say I’m very pleased with myself.

You don’t say how old you are but you sound young. It’s great that you have health insurance, 'specially Dental and Vision. Keep up the payments, and the good work!!

Oh, I’m 24. :smiley:
Probably too old to have gone this long without either.

Health insurance is good.

I’m 22 and haven’t had it since graduating four years ago but could really use it considering my broken leg; deformed, scratched glasses that were supposed to be replaced two years ago; and the massive cavity in one of my molars.

I want to live in Canada, Australia, or Western Europe. Free healtcare is worth all the taxes.

At 25 I don’t always feel ‘grown up’ but rather like a hyper-experienced kid (as may be evident by my posting style here). The things that occasinally make me feel grown up are…

The fact that I have a personal pension.

The times at work when people many years older than me come to me for technical advice.

The times when I hold thoughtful and enjoyable conversations with people twice my age.

The times when service-industry employees call me ‘sir’


Yes as soon as all this kicks in (in January) I’m going to get my carpal tunnel worked on, my eyes checked, and teeth checked. Especially since I haven’t had my eyes checked in six years, and never been to the dentist in my life.

I aim low heh.

Now, if you like, you can do a REALLY grownup thing - go back to the bank and open up an IRA. Then, so you never miss the money, have them take a little bit out of every paycheck. Five bucks, even. You will sooo thank yourself in thirty years for that one. Don’t put it off!

The “automatic from the paycheck” thing works great for just simple savings too, of course - to save for a Christmas fund or a vacation or something, but there’s probably better rates you can get by doing different things for any given specific goal.

Good luck, and I totally envy you your health insurance. :wink: