I find strong, exposed clavicles sexier than bare boobs. How weird am I?

I’m a straight male. Though, like most members of that tribe, I find the bare female bosom a thing of beauty and joy, what really gets my attention and approval is a distinct, well-crafted pair of clavicles. The picture in the spoiler box is what I mean.

Seriously, it’s a girl with nice clavicles. How can you not have figured that out already?

It’s not ultra-thin girls that I like, by the way. Just well-formed in that area.

How odd is this preference?

My hairdresser has a pair of clavicles on her that will fucking *cut *you. You want I should get a nice upshirt shot for you next time I’m there?

Unnecessary. Partly because my wife’s clavicles are incredible, and partly because clavicles are exposed all the time anyway, particlarly in a Memphis summer. I don’t have to search for them.

Straight female. I don’t think it’s too odd because they are eye-catching. When they’re prominent they make a woman look, I don’t know, appealing vulnerable, maybe. It’s part of what makes the waif look work for some women.

Vulnerable is not the word I’d choose. I like the athletic look. I mean, I’m a freaking Athena-worshipper, after all. :slight_smile:

You need an option for “Male: Thought you were a nutter initially but now that I followed that link I kind of see your point”.

Hell no. Curvy girls with big boobs, please. Voted “…gaunt. For shame!” although that may be a little harsh.

Now, had you said exposed shoulders, it would be a different matter. But still on a curvy girl!

I like the parts of the woman men don’t have. Clavicles are a very asexual part of a person’s body, imo.

I think boobs are great because there’s so much variety, they are dynamic and move, jiggle, squish and slide about. Clavicles just sit there, bring to mind a fake skeleton in a high school science class. They’re static and inert in my mind.

I can see it, but don’t share it. Not quite anyway, but close. Because I have always found bare female shoulders almost as erotic as bare breasts.

straight male, not a huge thing for me, but yeah, I dig 'em too. They sort of divide and high light all the fun areas (no not lift and separate, thats a different issue). Yes, the neck is a fun area if kissing it does to your SO what it does to my wife.(or causes her to do to me:D)


Why didn’t you find a better picture though?


Not cuz’a this though. :slight_smile:

I find it very weird, but have heard about people thinking clavicles are sexy/beautiful before. I’ve never heard anyone go so far as to say they are sexier than naked boobs though!

FWIW it’s hard to find clavicles more ‘exposed’ than mine - they stick out all the way to the ends of my shoulders. >< I’m glad there are people out there who appreciate them, I certainly am not a fan.

This. When it warms up enough in the spring so that women break out their sleeveless dresses and tops, that’s the sweetest time of the year.

Several years ago one of my daughter was the victim in a car accident resulting in an additional bump on her collar bone. What was once her pride to be exposed with her wedding dress was no longer. It became an issue during the insurance settlement negotiations.

For me, collar bones are as exciting as hip bones on an anorexic.


Hmm. The pic in the OP is of an oiled-up hot girl whom one would generally find attractive whether one was into clavicles or not. To truly understand where you are coming from Skald we need to see a pic of someone that most people would find unattractive but you find hot for her clavicles alone.

Like S’kat, you massively underestimate my laziness. :wink:

Now you got me thinkin’ about Shogun.

…must … not … tell … Skald … how … weird … he … is …


You bastard!