I found an ant crawling around the bristles of my toothbrush

Of all the places in my home that an ant could decide to explore, he chooses the bristles of my toothbrush. Not the handle of the toothbrush or the cup it’s sitting in, but the very bristles themselves.

Really, ant? Was that necessary?

I hate ants. Fucking assholes, with their stupid antennae and their weird compound eyes and their stings. How do you like my magnifying glass, bitches?

Ants are pretty clean actually.


Also, unless it was winged, it was a female ant. So you don’t have to feel weird about that part.

Just imagine what you dont see crawling in your toothbrush! :smiley:

Mmmm, food particles from your teeth left on the bristles. Nom, nom, nom.

And I found a tick in my bra drawer.

I hate nature.

If you’re finding creepy-crawlies inside your house in such places, maybe you have an even bigger problem.

Take her visit as a reminder to change your brush :slight_smile:

Screw that! I just took that brush out of the package 2 weeks ago, and it’s one of those fancy brushes, with multiple tiers of bristles and rubbery parts that’s supposedly engineered to improve plaque removal but is probably pure marketing BS. I’m not going to let some lowly insect cheat me out of a new brush.

Then take it as mother nature supporting your laziness efforts by sending ants to clean your toothbrush so you don’t even have to rinse it off after using. I’m sure if you just wait, a badger will wander in and get you a beer (replace with beverage of your choosing if necessary). Or possibly a raccoon. :smiley:

Well, if Mother Nature is going to actively involve herself in my life, why can’t she send the ants to clean out my mouth for me while I sleep?

Everyone knows an ant…can’t…clean your mouth while you sleep.

But they have high hopes…

I think they’d just get into a fight with the roaches she sends to clean your ears when you sleep. Ants are very territorial after all.

They like moisture. They just don’t make ant sized Perrier bottles so they have to get their water where ever they can.
Heh, I just had an ant crawling on my arm while I was typing this. Um …

I for one, welcome … aw, screw it.

The cockroaches don’t clean your ears. They whisper post-hypnotic suggestions in them while you sleep, like “Women swoon for portly, flightless waterfowl with huge noses”.