I Found Out How To Make An Owl!



Anyone else have a similar pointless (cf. MPSIMS) thing to share? Keep it simple, because that’s what I am talking about :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: I had to do it again because the hamsters won’t allow my lines for some reason :slightly_smiling_face: .

Long-gone poster Imthecowgodmoo had a similar “sketch” of a cow in his sig, but it doesn’t show up in Discourse, and I can’t remember how he did it.

It might be possible to find his sig on old versions of the board at archive.org, though I’m not quite sure how to search for it at the moment.



Doesn’t quite center up.

Oh well

OpalCat’s kitty:


:owl: b bak

Kitty >^…^<

It shouldn’t have three eyes, but the hamsters added it.

So a lot of ASCII art is collected here: https://www.asciiart.eu/
For bats I went here ASCII Art Bats - asciiart.eu

   (_    ,_,    _) 
   / `'--) (--'` \
  /  _,-'\_/'-,_  \
 /.-'     "     '-.\

Make sure to have leading spaces for all lines.

Way back in the early days of the Internet I used ><((((('> as my username in several places. It is suppose to be a fish.

A lot of the one line stuff is here 1 Line Art | ASCII art in one line


Discourse does some character interpretations, common if first character. So just cutting and pasting causes unexpected results.

Any art using the back tick has a strong chance of not working as expected.

Springfield kitty.

Post #14, here.

My life is now complete!

Is this the requisite 3rd item?

One of the many usernames that was mangled in the move to Discourse was iamthewalrus(:3=. It got changed to @iamthewalrus_3 , which isn’t nearly as cool.

If you want to make an Owl, you need a Mommy Owl and a Daddy Owl, who love one another very much…

To me, that looks like the rear view of a fat man having a piss.

I feel :’( about that.

I didn’t see that at first. But now I can’t unsee it.