After a bit of procrastination, I finally got a Facebook. I shall link upon request.
Make sure to join the SDMB group!! Facebook Public Group | Facebook
Join the group, post on the wall, and I will befriend you!
Facebook is fun. I am requesting a link ^^
Autolycus, I hope you have joined the Straight Dopers Facebook Group!
My groups are maxed at 200, so I’ll remove some and then join the group.
:eek: And I thought I had a lot of groups. Good grief! I didn’t know there was a max.
please to explain, sir, all the hubbub over Facebook and why is it now so much hotter than MySpace?
I hate myspace because so many pages are an eyesore (and sometimes earsore) that I don’t want to have any part of it. Facebook is nice because it’s a very clean, stream-lined look that gets the job done without throwing obnoxious colors and music videos at your face. I am a little annoyed with all the silly add-ons Facebook has been suffering from lately, but it’s still better than myspace.
They’re becoming more and more similar, but facebook used to only allow college students, and you had to have an email account from a school they recognized register. When browsing profiles, you can only see the full profiles of your friends and those in your same network (which now includes region and workplace), unless a profile has been made private. I liked it when I was an undergrad because the groups allow for an easy way to plan events and communicate.
How many peoples in the facebook group?
I’m not a member but I might consider joining if there’s enough of a crowd.
Otherwise, I see y’all fine in here.
ETA: I have an old myspace account from my college years, but I rarely use it for anything other than spying on my friends.
I joined the SDMB group.
Am I the only holdout who refuses to join any social networking site?
Maybe there’s a social networking site I could join to… haaaang on a second…
You just now got facebook and you already have 200 groups???
Woo whoo, I just joined. Check out my profile picture!
I joined the SD group too. I was in the other one, but I joined the more board-specific one.
The other one is like a Cecil fangroup, right?
I’m up there. The one with the macro of the seal saying “I shall not tolerate such rubbish. Good day, sir.”