I got some meat at the store, and now it's gone.

I’m not sure where it went. It wasn’t going to be the main course or something, just some thin steak that would probably have disappeared in the freezer for a month or so.

Someone here mentioned forgetting to put something in the fridge, and I realized I hadn’t put it away. I quickly figured out that was because it wasn’t around. After contemplating searching the trunk of my car (not a good place to lose meat), I checked the receipt, and it doesn’t appear to be on there.

Where’d it go? Was the guy behind me surprised to find it when he got home? Perhaps he took it on purpose! :eek: I think it was the last thing I put by the register… perhaps it got hung up at the start of the conveyor belt, and the next person didn’t want to give it a poke, so it’s still there?

Or perhaps I got it free and I’ll find it in a cupboard or in the trunk of my car someplace next week. :dubious:

I’ve got a similar problem. I had some chicken drumsticks in the fridge marinating for dinner tonight. They’ve just gone. :eek:

However, I DO know where mine have ended up…scrounging sons who are hungry because it’s rent week at their place visited today by the looks of it because half my coffee jar and all of my washing-powder have gone as well.


I don’t think I would stoop to stealing raw meals. That’s just low. The meatloaf in the tupperware, or the lettuce in the crisper? That’s alright. :slight_smile:
Update: My milk has also gone AWOL. The ramifications are astounding. Nothing can be taken for granted! I bought a dozen eggs: do I have enough for the cake I was planning to make? I may have picked out a frozen entree, but will I have to eat out tomorrow? I have to un-cross my shopping list… It’s all too much! :confused: :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused: :eek:

The meat and the milk are off planning something. Watch out – the cheese might scarper next …

Same place as the socks. The sock gnomes have to eat, you know.

At least you didn’t pay for it. On a couple of occasions I’ve left my paid-for meat behind on the counter when purchasing a large number of items. They bagged the meat separately and set it off to one side of the counter only to have me overlook it when transferring the bagged groceries to my cart.

I noticed a really nasty smell in the basement a couple of months ago when I went down to do laundry. Fearing the worst, I checked to see if the freezer had died. Nope, freezer was chugging along merrily. I returned to my laundry task and discovered a big package of mixed chicken parts sitting on top of the hamper. It smelled like it had been there for some time. My husband had bought it, taken it to the basement to put it in the freezer, gotten distracted by something…and the rest was history.


We recently lost about $40 worth of hamburg & sausages. I made a large BJs club run, and since we weren’t ready to put the meat into it’s smaller packages yet, and didn’t have enough room in the refrigerator, I put it in a cooler out on the porch overnight (temps about 35F) and Mrs. Butler was going to process it for the deep freeze the next morning… she didn’t. :mad:

The next day & night were about 55F… you can guess what happened to the meat in the cooler. :frowning:

Thankfully it was all still sealed in it’s packaging, with only minor leakage that was easily cleaned up in the cooler.

Still a shame to lose all that wonderful meat.

Reminds me of the Far Side cartoon about food going ‘bad’ and holding up other food at gunpoint.

I had a pint of grape tomatos fall out of the bag and wedge under my driver seat. In August. Found them about ten days later when the smell drove me to gutting the car to get at it. They had, sadly, leaked a bit as well…urgh. Had to use the pressure washer at the car wash on the floor mat they’d landed on. I knew a guy who had to sell his car b/c a pal had stuck a fish under the backseat as a joke, a la ‘Grumpy Old Men’. There was no getting rid of the smell.

I guess you won’t be getting any pudding .

We lost some meat, but we know where it went.

Instead of putting it in the freezer, it was on TOP of the refrigerator, I assume so whoever was putting the groceries away could rearrange the freezer to make room.

This refrigerator is in the garage.

The shopping was done last week.

I finally sent my son out to investigate a smell from what I thought was some mice caught in traps we’d set in the garage… :eek: :frowning:

An old classic thread: There is evil in my backyard. It’s in a cooler.

I had a similar, yet ooogier experience. A grocery bag fell in the car, and steaks slid under the seat. I completely forgot about them…until the temperature reached about 100 degrees. I couldn’t figure out what the hell was so disgusting in my car. Then I found 'em. Green, funky steaks. OHMYGOD. It was awful.

What, no pics??

Well, it was deliberate, but back in high school a classmate of mine stuffed a sandwich into a desk drawer in the wood shop. Since no one used the bench desks, it stayed there. No smell that we could detect, but at the end of the year, it had taken on a weird shape and was a very ugly shade of greenish-grey.

After a conversation with a friend at work, I’ve decided that this is all a nefarious plan by the grocery stores. See, the only reason I went shopping in the first place was to get the milk; all the other items were just stuff I figured I get at the time. By removing the one thing I really wanted (ok, steak got caught in the crossfire, it’s an early technology this mind reading), they ensure that I have to go there again today.

They can try to lose my food again, but today I’m double-checking the milk. :stuck_out_tongue:

[hijack] Does anyone besides me remember the SpamCam? [/hijack]

Forgotten Easter eggs lost in the car for several months are the WORST!!! Horrid, evill STENCH!!! (Rotten boiled eggs, in a small enclosed space, FTW…NOT!)

A friend of ours lost some quails that way, just vanished. She’d paid for them though…

This reminded me of something that is off-topic but kind of related in that it was gross and smelly and yucky.

I kept smelling a bad smell in my garage and it was getting worse, but I couldn’t figure out what it was because when I would look for it, I had the garage door open.

It turned out that it was a snake that coiled itself around one of the corners of the garage door on the bottom when it was closed and got stuck there. When I opened and closed the garage door it was continually mashing it. When I found it, it was very dead, very mashed and very smelly and hanging from the garage door.

Yuck! Just the thought makes me shudder.