In 46 years of life, it wasn’t until yesterday that I noticed that if I write my name out in full with no spaces, the word “asian” is embedded in it.
Beat that.
In 46 years of life, it wasn’t until yesterday that I noticed that if I write my name out in full with no spaces, the word “asian” is embedded in it.
Beat that.
My real life initials make a zig-zag pattern.
My IRL last name anagrams to “Thawing 'em.”
Is your first and middle name Thomas Ian?
My IRL name anagrams to Bioclean Shrew.
The last letter of my first name is the first letter of my middle name. The last letter of my middle name is also the first letter of my last name. I never noticed that before.
My last name has seven letters, five of which are vowels, and it’s one syllable.
My first name is also the initials of 5 months of the year, in a row. Of course, I’ve known this since I was 8, so it don’t really count.
Hm. My last name has seven letters, one of which is a vowel, and it’s three syllables.
My husband has the same name, and not only did I not notice that his name is the initials of 5 months in a row, but I never noticed that the initials of 5 months in a row spell out a common man’s name. Until one day, at his apartment, I glanced at his open electric bill and looked at the graph of monthly usage. “That’s weird,” I said. “Why did the put they months in this arrangement in order to spell your…uh…never mind, I’m an idiot.”
My first and last name have the same amount of letters and syllables. And they both have two each of (two different) vowels. Um, that means the first has two ee’s and the last has two a’s.
My father picked a less-common spelling of my first name to insure that none of the letters of my first and last names went below the line when writing them. Out of my four names, the only vowels are “e” and “o”, with one lone “y”.
My IRL name anagrams to “Bad Gremlin”.
Why you little Joker
My full maiden name initials were LMC
Or in your world:
Larry, Moe & Curly
Which I noticed one day when we were watching the 3 stooges cartoon intro. My life makes much more sense now.
My husbands anagrams to Grim Motel
My last name contains all the vowels (except y). I was informed of this just prior to my marriage.
“Honey, with me, we’ll never need to buy a vowel!”
Lame, I know.
My name spelled backward is “Ah, Satan!”
I’m not too surprised or horrified. I just think it’s funny.
I adopted a kitten a few years ago. The shelter had named her Jody. Brought her to the vet. Technician says - “Oh, Jody Foster, how cute!”.
I like Jody Foster well enough, but I didn’t name my cat after her.
ooo! My first name anagrams (I know, it’s not a word) to
Legend Now!
I knew it!
This message brought to you by the letter A.
My maiden name is a common household word with an extra “A” in it, but it’s pronounced the same. Think **Shelf ** but spell it Shealf. My entire life, I had to spell and/or correct pronunciation every time I was introduced. I hated that extra “A”. I couldn’t wait to get married and take my husband’s name, knowing no matter what the name, it would be more normal.
My married last name is a common male first name, but lacking the “A” in the second syllable. Think **Jonathan ** but spelled Jonthan. <Sigh>
My real first name can be spelled by the first initials of five sequential months of the year.
My last name is very uncommon. Before my brother got married, there were only six people with our last name in the US. Now, what with having kids and all, we’re up to 12, which will be increased to 14 within the next two years. One of those will be the baby my wife and I are adopting from China. A Chinese kid in America with a Czech last name…she’s gonna be so confused. heh.