Well I was getting bored with being The Mighty Tiki God 'cause it was too long to type in whenever I used a different computer here on campus. So I e-mailed and got my user name changed to Tiki. The board must have suffered a serious brain fart at the time because it messed up my registration and left me unable to log back in using my old screen name. So I e-mailed Tuba and Lynn to see if they could fix it. Long story short something happened that they couldn’t fix. No worries on my part though I just get to be a newbie again.
So I get to start my wonderful journey at the SDMB all over again. This means no respect from the regulars. Inevitably I’ll get flamed because I have a dissenting opinion (this should happen at least once or twice). But eventually people will go back to barely noticing me and I can relax
while I don’t remember your previous sn, Persephone, I smile whenever I read your name. my buddy had a beautiful glass pipe we dubbed persephone. as part of a phase when all the paraphenalia was named or renamed for greek gods. hey, we were stoned in taking classical mythology.
It was weird, heh…I saw you post in another thread, with the shorter name, and the low post count, and I thought you were just some new guy that worshipped Mighty Tiki God. Damn, now I find out you ARE mighty tiki god…I’m so confused…