I ran out of my sleep medication on Thursday (I use 200 mg of quetiapine fumarate a day). On Friday my boyfriend came over and we got frisky. It was all going really well (and it helped to make me feel awake again). All of a sudden a Migraine just hit me. It felt like I was being hit on the head with baseball bats for two minutes. And it felt like there were fireworks, train horns and stadium lights going on inside my bedroom at the same time. My boyfriend ran to the kitchen and fetched me my naramig. I swallowed two pills with the first thing I could find - a bottle of Jack Daniels. I layed on my bed pressing my face down the pillow. Took me probably five minutes to start feeling better. I broke once my coccyx. I saw starts and managed to almost break a sink hitting it with my head. I once waxed my privates. I could probably have my nipples tattoed and it wouldn’t hurt as much as this migraine. I honestly thought we would have to tuck me in some clothes and go to the hospital. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?
I don’t know about the rest of your health history, but could the migraine have been related to a sudden change in your blood pressure? After all, you said you and your boyfriend got frisky, and that might change how the blood was running through your veins. Maybe keep a glass of water by the bed, it’s probably not a good idea to chase your meds with Jack Daniels. But IANAD.
My mother has migraines but usually has some kind of “aura” or feeling beforehand that one is coming. I worry about her, she is getting one almost every week.
I honestly don’t know… my heart always worked fine as a clock. Should I really worry and see a doctor? It came with no warning at all… I don’t have the auras before, just a slight pressure on my head that grows and becomes the migraine. This one was the worst one I ever had, though.
Talk to your dr. I have daily migraines. (Yay). They can be triggered by something like a noise or a light and go from zero to 60 really fast. If this is not your normal pattern though, I’d suggest letting your doc know. Doubly true if it happens again.
I get migraines, and orgasm is not a usual trigger, but I have had a sudden onset (no aura, which I usually do get) orgasm migraine twice. Once was the first orgasm I had after my husband had been in Iraq for about 300,000 years, and the other was the first one after I had a baby. So, there was some pent up frustration, and also some sleep deprivation in both cases, and probably some neurons firing that hadn’t fired in a while. They were horrible.
When I was a teen, I got really debilitating migraines, but I had about a 4-hr countdown (the aura). They were pain like I can’t describe. The ones I get now are not as bad: they are migraines mainly because they are on one side, and they don’t go away, other than with a migraine-specific medication-- narcotics make them worse-- but I can function if I have to. Fortunately I don’t have to, because of the triptans (your med is a triptan).
Needless to say, my husband freaked out. I kept telling him that he just needed to give me 100mg of Imitrex and 20 minutes. I was fine the rest of the weekend (he came back to the US, and we had a weekend together in a motel in Wisconsin, then he had out-processing for a week, before he could come back to the house).
So, sex-related migraines happen. I’d mention it to your doctor, but you are not alone, and it will not necessarily happen every time from now on.
3 times more common in men, apparently. Happened to me a couple of times randomly, but my wife gets them more regularly. Puts a dampener on your sex life, I can tell you.
Talk to your doctor - you may need a prophylactic (a beta blocker like propranolol or a painkiller like codeine) before the friskiness starts.
Good luck
Call your doctor. You should let a medical professional know about this. “Worst headache of my life” is a phrase that will get an MD’s attention, generally speaking.
You might be looking at this backwards. Maybe you had the sex of your life during a migraine !
Try googling “orgasm migraine”. There seems to be lots of info on this.
Bottle of Jack Daniels, eh? Stumbled across it on your way to the faucet?
I once got a migraine from orgasm. :smack:
But since headache can be so complex and can also be its own symptom for a bunch of nasty stuff, I called my doctor right away. Okay, the next morning.
He checked my BP and so on, and said it was either a) coincidental, or b) sex was a trigger. Apparently that’s a thing. Never happened again, so I’m going with option A.
But do see your doctor. This is worth being checked out. I’ve been preaching “see your doc for any bad headache that’s unusual” since a friend’s headaches worsened and she had a stroke a month later.
Yep, sex migraines, it’s a thing. It is basically the same as the exercise-induced migraine. Working up slowly helps - so that the heart rate jump is not so sudden and your capillaries have time to regulate themselves.
Your doctor can help with this if it becomes a constant.
Another vote for alerting your doctor. Because it feels like a migraine doesn’t mean it is one.
I went to the doctor! He said it is not a cluster, but a sudden migraine syndrome. I will do two RMIs next week. It could be that the internal part of one of my vessels in my brain got loose. Well, thats new. hehe. I am pretty sure this will end up being pointless. Just for the sake of curiosity: How much does it cost in your country to do an RMI with the contrast and an angioressonance of brain and cervix?
Whoah. This happened to me the one and only time, also under frisky circumstances, about 11 years ago or so. We went to the emergency room, as I thought I was dying. It was like a headache I didn’t know anyone could have. 10 out of 10 when the nursing staff asked. I had an MRI or CAT scan (don’t remember which), and they finally give me a morphine drip. Then I was perfectly fine.
They never told me what was wrong, and certainly never mentioned coital cephalalgia.
The OP is giving me nightmares. I never, ever want that to happen again and I’d learnt to forget about it.
I cured mine with two huge naramigs and a quarter of a bollte of jack. Boyfriend was not pleased.
Balthisar, I know how you feel. :C
Count me in on this one. It happened to me my Senior year of high school (with a partner? HA!) and we got an MRI done and everything because get headaches, but never one like that. I didn’t dare say what I was doing when it came on (heh…came…).
Then it popped up again after college when I actually HAD a girlfriend this time, it made messing around unbearable.
Both times they just magically stopped happening, and I haven’t had an occurance since. I can feel it sometimes start to happen (it’s a familiar pain) but it’s never as severe as it was those two times (especially the one in high school)
It’s just something I watch out for now