I Hate Caring About My Grades

I am sick. All I want to do is crawl back into bed and sleep. But I can’t. I have two classes today. I have an in-class assignment in the first class and homework due in the second. But since I know having both those grades in the gradebook is better than not having them, I feel compelled to go to class. Boo. It’s gonna suck when I have to get a ‘real job’ and I’m sick and don’t have any days off…now I’ll miss a grade, then I’ll get fired. :eek:

Anyone wanna beam me over some Day Quil? Lotion Kleenex? Anyone?

You only have to go through it once. And don’t forget one of the cardinal rules of life: It’s only Temporary. :slight_smile:

Not caring about your grades is worse. Trust me on this one.

Don’t lie to the kid.

That’s what adult life is like, every day.

No summer break.

Having to go to work sick because no one else can come in and cover for you. Having to go in on your day off because something happened to another employee and they have to go.

Yeah, it’s cool being an adult, 'cause you can stay up all night playing on the 360 if you want to, but you’re going to be as tired as hell the next day, and sure as shit, that’s when something big’s gonna happen.

Bills, laundry, the gutters need cleaned. There’s a game on, but you have to go to a stupid work party, 'cause you’ll feel bad if you don’t.

Did I mention no summer break? That’s the one I think I miss the most.

I’m sorry to say it, myskepticsight, but it doesn’t get any better. Somehow, I always thought it did, when I was a kid, even though adults constantly warned me to enjoy childhood while it lasted.

Jeepers, if you’re sick, email your profs, tell them you’re not feeling well.

If my students email me and tell me they’re sick, I tell them to keep themselves and their nasty, punk-ass germs the HELL away from me. (Not in so many words, of course.) Getting an assignment a day later is not that big a deal.

Bleh, whats even worse is not caring enough to get good grades, but caring enough to be bitterly disappointed when you get crappy grades.

You do know what they call medical students that graduate with a C average, don’t you?



I hate having nightmares about caring about my grades when I haven’t been in school in 13 years. Very exhausting nights, those are.

It depends on the course.

Don’t automatically assume it’s not a big deal. On my course it it depends on the unit. For some of them, a day late means I fail the whole unit. For the rest, I lose 10% of my mark a day until it’s in.

But talk to your profs, and sort it out to do it later if it is possible.

I was hoping that stopped after five or ten years out of school! :eek:

They don’t. My husband half-woke from one about a week ago, and blearily told me that if he didn’t have enough credits to graduate.

I related this to an elderly co-worker, who told me that she still wakes in a panic once in a while, thinking that her thesis is due and she hasn’t even started.

That’s ties for my most-common one. I don’t have a topic yet and it’s due in a week.

The other is: I haven’t even started packing to go back to school, somehow I get there and can’t find the dorm I’m supposed to be in, don’t know what classes I am supposed to be taking and can’t find the administrative building where they are listed. I wallow around for a while and then realize that I have missed all the classes for the semester and have no clue about the exam.

I sometimes have to ask Mr Neville when I wake up from one of these dreams if we’re sure that I haven’t signed up for a class and forgotten all about it.

What I mean is, for me, as a professor, it’s not a big deal. If a student contacts me to tell me that they are sick, I tell them that they should stay home and take care of themselves, and give me the assignment when they are feeling well enough to come to class.

I keep forgetting my mailbox combination. And there is clearly important mail in the box I MUST have. And the dream about having an exam I forgot about. Now I have htese dreams mixed in with ones about not knowing what I have done and not done at work. Dreaming about work all night and working all day is very tiring.

Hear hear.

Right now, I’ve got a cold and I’m more sick than I’ve been in a long time; headache, sore throat, runny nose, the works. All I want to do is lie* in bed and sleep it off. So, of course, this has to be the week that I have midterms. :smack:


Amen to THAT! I just realized this year, sophomore year of high school, that if I actually do the work every night, I’m reasonably intelligent and don’t fail every single test. It was CRAZY.

I wake up every single day at 5:15 wishing to God I could go back to the days of “snooze, snooze, snooze, get up at 10:00 and crack a beer.”

I guess I’m lucky. I’ve never lost sleep over grades.