I have a simian crease on my left hand. How likely that something is wrong with me?

It says “not always”, but what does that mean? I’ve also noticed one side of my face is not symmetrical with the other. I know, no one’s is. But mine seems more so as I study it. And my nose is crooked.

Is it likely that I have partial fetal alcohol syndrome or something like that?

I think I read somewhere that a cleft chin (like Cary Grant had) is a sign of fetal alcohol syndrome…or can be. My husband had a cleft chin and his mom was an alcoholic, and I’m sure she drank all through the pregnancy. It was 1939, and I doubt if the dangers were known.

Not helpful answer. Sorry. Just adding to the data.

Me too! I always thought the simian crease was the normal one - when you close your fist, your fingers bend along that horizontal line. With 2 creases they’re both half used.

Wise-ass remark: do you have excessive body hair and enjoy swinging through tree?

More reasonable remark: Most of the causes listed in Wikipedia would seem to go along with syndromes that would have made themselves obvious by now. Craniosynostosis (from what I see on Wiki) might have caused some pretty obvious issues if it were severe enough, and if it’s mild enough (thinking of your slightly asymmetrical head) presumably hasn’t caused you any problems.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: I have a niece (adopted) who her adoptive parents think may have FAS. It’s a certainty that the mother did drugs (a later child was taken away at birth because of that), and of course quite possible that she drank while pregnant. I don’t personally see the facial issues (they have noted them however), but I do hear of the intellectual and emotional issues. She’s not in the “mentally retarded” range, but won’t be going to Harvard either. So my WAG is that if you had enough of a case of FAS to cause physical changes, you’d have had more obvious developmental issues by now as well.

So - the above is more IMHO than GQ, I admit.