I’ve learned what I can from my Jedi masters, but they refuse to teach me about parts of The Force that I believe could be extremely useful. I think they keep this knowledge hidden and hoard it for themselves because whenever I broach subjects like telekinetic cellular manipulation or enhancing worker productivity through mass intellect domination they change the subject immdiately and assign me to some menial task. They would have me sit by and observe huge and wasteful expenditures of effort and resources as each individual being repeats the lifelong wisdom-seeking cycle of its ancestors with minimal gains for society.
We could acheive so much if all that effort were channelled such that it was all directed toward progress rather than repetition. The Jedi would have the masses stagnate in their own ideological filth rather than share the wisdom, and the power, which they hide so greedily.
Screw that. I’ve already accepted my position in the Sith order and anticipate an exciting and meaningful career leading all worthy life forms out of the darkness of their past and into the light of a glorious future. My cape and red light saber should be here any day…
I’m with you, pal.
Many a toilet I’ve cleaned with a razor blade for asking the Master questions like, “How do you make money?” or “Who get alls the babes?” when I could have shattered the entire bathroom with the Force and enslaved some stupid bas…er, bought another one at Sears.
Going the Dark-Side-of-the-Force, route, eh? That’s OK, I guess. Just don’t go all emotional on me, please. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, that’s a Sob Sith-ter.
If you noticed, in your Jedi orientation packet you signed a Dark Side Non-Proliferation Agreement. That means you’ll be risking sanctions if you choose to pursue this technology.
While we know that the Dark Side can be a cheap and efficient power source, we don’t believe your claims that that’s your primary motivation in developing this technology. We are concerned you intend to use use it to build weapons of mass destruction and threaten your neighbors. And even if that is not your goal now, ultimately your soul will be blackened and corrupted by the Dark Power coursing through you. At which point it will become very hard to take your promises seriously.
We urge you to reconsider your recent behavior, and will be happy to open diplomatic talks with you once you have made a good faith gesture. By verifiably destroying your cape and saber and allowing inspections of your apartment.
You know, I did the whole Phoenix Online course for Sith Studies. It was expensive but I managed to become a Sith Lord In about half the time it takes the “old fashioned” way. Of course, I’m doing nothing with my degree now. My double-bladed light saber is gathering dust in the hall closet, I haven’t donned my cloak in months, and the paper cap I have to wear at my Dairy Queen job keeps my little horns covered. What a waste!
Well, there’s no discernable flaking, so I’ve convinced them that I don’t present a health-hazard. Also, I clouded their minds and bent them to my iron will.
That being said, we did get written up for not keeping the hot dogs’ interior temperatures consistent.
Thank you for your interest in the Sith Studies Program. While we do receive several thousand applications per day, your application is important to us and will receive our full attention as time allows. It is not necessary to resubmit your application. NOTE: This is an unmonitored alias.
Ha! Tell me about it! And the classes I had to do at a local campus a couple of evenings a month were hellish, too. Everyone trying to raise everyone else’s hand, make 'em look bad …