I have met Yanni! Plus: Lucki turns 600

This is my 600th post, which means I post at a much slower rate than most of you, but hey.

Now for a story that is mundane, and most definitely pointless. A couple of years ago, I was walking down the beach in Santa Monica with someone. I can’t even remember who, except that it was a male friend of my parents. Anyway, this guy spots Yanni and says hi to him. Yanni politely enough asks if they’ve met. It turns out that they have, and the guy was a little sad that Yanni didn’t remember him. At that point I introduced myself to Yanni, and he returned it. Therefore, I have met Yanni.

600! Woohoo!


Woohoo! Yanni…very cool.
600…even cooler!

I’d bring in a keg since I know post parties usually involve some kind of alcohol, but I’d probably get arrested. You know, being underage and all.
[sub]Psst, it’s at the door. You can bring it in your damn self![/sub]

Well happy 600 and all! May you have many more.

(I beg your pudding? Is 600 a prime number now?)

Well congrats if it is or isn’t! :wink:

Congrats to all who raises a glass, that’s my motto!

Good for you.

Happy 600, Lucki. Post more, dagnabbit! You oughta be at, like, 3000 or so by now! You’re slacking, dude;)

Congratulations on meeting Yanni. You are now officially on my list of cool people.

I once rode in a limo during a trip to Honolulu that was going to pick up Yanni after it dropped me and my friends off. So I rode in a limo immediately prior to the same guy that you’ve met. That’s sorta cool.

You turned 600?! Where’ve I been? Jeesh…

So, where do you want me to put this club-size bag of Circus Peanuts?

happy 600, Lucki!

i figured this would be a good place to spend MY 700th… :smug expression:


Aaack! I’m slipping! Cougarfang be passing me up soon! :frowning:

Happy 700, Cougarfang!

AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH! And I previewed too…I meant that Cougarfang “will” be passing me up…walking away, looking down and shaking head

[sub]one more post closer to dlgirl… BWAHAHAHAHA! :D[/sub]

You have my sincerest condolences. Who’s next, Fabio?

Happy 600[sup]th[/sup], Lucki.

There is no way in Ghod’s green Earth that anybody who meets Yanni can regard himself as being Lucki.

so, change yer name. :slight_smile:

[hijack]I have now passed dlgirl! BWAHAHAHAHAHA![/hijack]

we now return you to your regularly schedule thread.

aack! “scheduled”! (dammit, I previewed, too. AAAACK!)

Don’t you hate when that happens?

Yeah… :mad:

Funny thing is, it only takes a few posts before I do it again… but mostly it’s only screwed-up coding. Gah!

previews post verrrrrrry carefully before posting