I have spoiled kitties

Awwwww… Gus looks just like my Maggie: attitude with fur. :smiley:

At Casa Scubaqueen, spoiled is having Turk show up on the kitchen bar (while i’m making my lunch to take to work) demanding I stop everything and get him his morning treats RIGHT NOW!

Then there’s the fun of listening for Maggie to hit the upstairs bedroom floor with a thump (having been previously conked out on her king-sized bed. not my bed: hers. I’m merely allowed to sleep on it and provide Herself with one of my legs as a pillow) and make a mad scramble downstairs for HER share of treats.

Sometimes she hears the rustle of the plastic… and sometimes she doesn’t. ‘you snooze, you lose,’ I tell her when she’s running late. She isn’t amused. :stuck_out_tongue: