The lady who rents the trailer up the road from my folks had the momma CS, but she got out and was hit by a car. The rest of the litter were given away to people who’d bottle-feed 'em, but no one would take the little black female (all the others were brown).
So my aunt, being the complete and utter sucker that she is (and we love her for it!) went down there and brought “Lexie” home. She’s tiny, still at that fluffball stage, but her eyes are open. Her belly’s so fat that she can’t hardly wiggle. And she pee’d on me! Eeek!
Other than the peeing thing, she ain’t so bad. Lexie is cute as a button, so glossy black you can’t hardly see her face. When you hold her, she roots around on your hand, then starts licking your finger. All together now: aww…
Don’t know what we’re gonna do with her. We got two mutts, two Australian shepards, a foxhound, and a chihauha already. Anybody in central Mississippi want a lil’ black Cocker Spaniel female? Her name’s Lexie, and she ain’t housebroke yet, but don’t hold that against her, she’s a good girl.