So I am shlepped up in bed for the third day running. I think I may have worn a groove in the interwebs from SDMB, Break, Fark, Fazed, Huffington Post, Drudge, Foxnews, CNN, Daily KOS, Woot (still the same item as earlier), Miniclips, and Facebook. Not to mention that I am replying to my emails sometimes before they arrive, if that is possible.
So entertain me.
Your fave blog?
Groovy game?
Explanation for the existance of the universe?
Crazy religious zealots or racial loons? (trust me - for the entertainment value only)
Just got back from the doctor and she said I will be laid up until 3/18, so you have lots of work to do.
Well, how about this – one of the ignorant twatnuggets I work with just said to one of the other ignorant cumstains “oh, yeh, Purim is the Jewish Christmas.” :dubious:
This is the kind of idiocy I get hear on a daily basis. If I were to try to enlighten them, I would be looked at like the idiot, because, you know – the idea of someone not having “a Christmas” is unheard of around here. Those screams you hear? Ignore them.
An Internet oldie-but-goodie. Okay, not really a goodie. And not that old, when you think about it. And it will probably only amuse you for a few minutes. Unless you’re really sick and bored. But anyway…
Girl Genius, an online comic that takes place in a fantasy Europe of airships and Barons and Mad Science. I discovered it after following a link here on the Dope.
Sorry, I’ve got it too. Plus an ear infection. Went to work all week, though, and am going to run some agility tomorrow, god willing and the creeks don’t rise. The doc put me on antibiotics today, so I should survive.
Yeah, I’m probably still contagious, but everybody at work had it already - those turkeys gave it to me. JustThinkin’ came down with it today, though, so I’m in the doghouse.
It’s this little gray bouncy blob person. You throw stuff at him, like baseballs, bowling balls, bombs… He freaks out as he explodes and runs away from you. After you gain more points, you get a flamethrower and a firehose. Ok, so I’m easily entertained.
I give you, rino . (Links to another message board’s post)
At first it looks liked a hacked up version of Twain-ish drawl, but if you buckle in for the long haul, it fucking moves you man. It is a long haul though.
As I recently posted in the Society section, a new site is up and running (in the USA only) that has a nice selection of television shows and movies you can watch for free.