I’m going out of my mind with boredom right now. I’m sick and other than seeing the doctor Thursday afternoon, I haven’t left the house. I had to miss an impromptu road trip this weekend because of being sick and I have no one to talk to and I’m just going batty!
PLEASE offer me forms of entertainment! Or chat with me online! My AIM is right there in the upper right corner. I’m going to start sending smoke signals, I swear.
While you’re on the computer, you might try reading some public domain literary classics; or playing some java games (zombie-killing ones are always fun); or, a new favorite of mine, reading through weird wikipedia articles.
To those of you that offered chat/entertainment, thank you ever so! Tomorrow I escape the house to go to the doctor and then my internship. Not a great day, but at least I’m outta here. Unfortunately it’s now 1am EST and I should be sleeping. However the combination of coughing to clear my throat, sinus pain, and just not being tired enough are working against me. Harumph.