I just ate a clock of cheese the size of a car battery

Well OK it was 120 grams of edam, but still.

I started a low-carb diet this morning and am aiming for ketosis tomorrow. 25lbs is what I am aiming to dump. I am staving off hunger pangs with cheese.

Anyone else done this? Any success stories?

P.S. Nay-sayers begone: I am aware of the controversy behind this weight-loss method, and I am also aware of the need for hydration and nutritional supplements. I have done this once before, and I felt a million dollars - not to mention that it completely eradicated my IBS symptoms.

I’ve never eaten a clock of cheese, but I have, on occasion, eaten various other wall-hangings of cheese! :smiley:

Good luck on your diet!

“Clock” of cheese? Thyme-flavored, perhaps?

Seriously, I’ve herad of “wheel”, “chunk”, “whopping hunk of”, and other phrases, but never “clock”.

A clock?

Doh. :smack:

Oh Mooooooodddds? Pleeeeeeeease???

was it a Swiss clock of cheese?

Well whaddya know?

A clock of cheese - shaped like Wisconsin!

Mmm…cheese. I think I may have at one time or another, eaten a block [or clock, whatever] of cheese the size of a car battery. No big whoop.

I’ll reiterate: Mmm…cheese.

“Why do you associate eating a large block of cheese with bachelorhood?”

Or somesuch quote like that.

Weird that I just saw that Seinfeld episode this weekend.

Good luck in the bathroom over the next few days.

What? I’m just sayin’…

I never need luck in the bathroom (clue is in the OP - I have IBS ;)).

Dear Sirs,

I am greatly interested in cheese clocks and wish to subscribe to your magazine.



Ouch! Yer killing me over here!

I was on a low-carb diet for 2 weeks, and ate a clock of cheese, myself. I lost weight, but couldn’t handle the icky taste in my mouth. Have you considered eating a watch of hard-boiled eggs?

No, but I have been considering trying a sundial of bacon.

jjimm -

Glad the hi-protein diets work for you.

They make me sick as a dog.

Good luck.

Mmmm… Og love cheese clocks!

Hey, who cut the cheese clock?

I like putting a slice of cheese on a plate in the microwave and blasting it for a minute or two; when it starts to brown, take it out and you can pour off most of the fat; what is left is a lovely crispy chewy cheese thing.

IBS can overcome the Fort Knox effect of a block of cheese? Man, I’d need one of those rescue drills they used in Pennsylvania.

It’s going to feel like you’re passing a clock the size of a car battery when you digest that.

George? Is that you?


“I hanker for a hunk of
A slab, a slice or chunk of
I hanker for a clock of