I just canceled my Netflix. Here's why.

Hmmm, let’s see. House of Cards, American Horror Story, Mad Men, House, Wicked Tuna, all those drugs and crime documentaries, Trailer Park Boys, Daredevil, not to mention stuff like Nazi Super Weapons and all the shows I have not had time for yet- sorry OP. Netflix isn’t mandatory, so you’re free to go, but we will just have to disagree on this one.

Have you communicated to them your reason for leaving?

I’m not even being facetious - I once looked for a customer feedback form of some kind and found nothing.

TRy this link. You can call or chat. I have also found using twitter to get company’s attention when normal routes didn’t work.


The thing is, I don’t want to chat. I want to lodge a few complaints, and I’d feel better if there was some sort of “comment box” I could use. Yes, I know that these things are black holes, but it would make me feel better.

I replied to the “We’re sorry to say goodbye” email with:

I canceled my membership because some pinhead decided I should have a video with sound playing as soon as I entered the app on my Roku. Please deduct my lost membership fees from this idiot’s paycheck. Thank you.

Trust me, there will be no exodus, mass or otherwise. They’ve been getting enormous, steady growth in subscriptions for a long time. At least ~7 million new subs in 2015 alone.

You will not be missed.

Enjoy the ads when you start the app. Then the ads that will soon appear as you enter a new section to browse. Then the ads that will appear after that before every movie or TV show.

As opposed to?

Agree that dumping Netflix because they started playing you an ad is a reasonable response to ad-creep. Hopefully more subscribers do so as well. I would if this happened to me (I haven’t noticed it yet, but see next point.) Disagree with others that Netflix is the best streaming service available. Between Transparent and The Americans, I’ve been watching quite a bit more on Amazon, and with The Man in the High Castle next on the list, I don’t see that changing. When’s the new House of Cards season, though?

I’ve never seen an “ad” on it really, but as others have pointed out, you pay much, much more for cable TV and that is littered with non-stop ads. I will, however, continue to enjoy their tons of awesome content including some pretty damn good original (i.e. exclusive, unless you pirate) content. Thanks.

You still haven’t said what you’re planning to do with the free time you’ve liberated for yourself now.

The good news for the OP? Within six months, NetFlix will re-design their site again and you won’t be able to find the ads even when you want to. :slight_smile:

But just to be clear: I’m a happy customer and won’t move until there’s a better single option for DVD and streaming as a combined service. NetFlix would have lost me if they’d continued with their plan to separate the two services, but they changed their mind on that one.

There was a recent blurb somewhere about Netflix rolling these out as a test in certain markets. If it happened to me, I wouldn’t cancel without contacting them first to see if it could simply be turned off on my account. That kind of feedback would tell them the idea was shite, and stop the event on my end. Win-win.

So, typing your complaints into a chat window where there’s actually someone reading what you type on the other end, isn’t acceptable. But give you a little box where you can type whatever that no one may read, and certainly not in a timely manner, that’s what you prefer. OK.

That may be how you saw things, but those weren’t your only options. I’m thinking you might have been a bit hasty. I had the same thing happen a while back and, as I mentioned, I pressed the pause button they provided. Now that I think about it, nothing on the splash screen has autoplayed since. Maybe others have seen this?

OMG! The horror!

The only ad I’ve ever seen was one for the Ridiculous 6. It played ONE time. After that I turned auto-play off and never seen it again.

Seriously, it’s like some of you don’t grasp the concept of subsidizing cost of content.

I could get the gripe that people don’t want to see commercials during the movie, but one innocuous ad when you open the app? Good lord, if this sort of thing gets under your skin, your life must really suck as I can only imagine the plethora of things in life that must piss you off.

Don’t sweat the small stuff man. Life is too short.

Yep. Complaining at a tech support rep means that the complaint has to be actively forwarded to the black hole that complaints go to. Using a feedback form devoted to the purpose means that the complaint goes directly there. I prefer to use the most direct route whenever possible. OK? OK!

I just watched a movie on Netflix “Lets Talk about Kevin” that was pretty creepy, yet very well made.

Also, it’s not like Netflix hasn’t been “advertising” the other shows they carry since they first launched. This is an ad in exactly the same way the, “You might like…” queue is an ad. The only difference is that they’ve added sound and video - and while I totally agree that autoplaying ads on primarily text-based sites (like the SDMB) are unacceptable, this is an ad in an app that exists solely for playing videos. If you’ve opened the Netflix app, it’s reasonable to assume that you’re okay with noises and moving images on your monitor. It’s not like you sat down to read the New York Times on a quiet Sunday morning, and got a Ford ad blaring out of your speakers.

I’ll follow up with a paper letter to the office of Reed Hastings, the CEO of Netflix. This was astoundingly annoying, and I’ve never seen this happen on any of the dozens of Roku apps I use on a regular basis.

That’ll show 'em.