I just canceled my Netflix. Here's why.

A piece of paper counts for dramatically more than an e-mail. Remember, we’re talking about old white guys here. There is some metric in political operatives circles that compares the weight of different types of constituent communications, and a letter counts for considerably more than e-mails, phone calls or Change.org petitions - the last of which counts for less than taking a whiz in the shower.

Yeah, that metric has been floating around for a couple decades now, which should give you a hint. Also, old white guys who revolutionize the digital entertainment market may just have a different relationship with technology than you’re imagining.

OK, now you’re just getting comical. Perhaps you should also Alert the Media.

He’ll go to the papers, if he has to!

I don’t think it’s comical. Maybe a little over the top, but to each his own. I’m not going to cancel my account over this, but we each make our own decisions.

OK, maybe the level of upset is a little comical. Should I have felt the same way ‘back in the day’ when HBO started pimping other shows between movies? Was there ever a time that it didn’t?

Well I did some science for you people. When I launch Netflix on my TV, blue-ray player and computer I don’t get any ads. You are welcome

Make sure it’s strongly worded.

And if they do have it, you’d better watch it right now, because it will probably be gone at the end of the month.

I’m trying to comprehend how Captain Kidd, Blackbeard, Black Bart, et alia adversely affect Netflix’s bottom line, but I’m just not groking it. However, you’re probably right about those buccaneers of yore not advertising their exploits to the general public very often.

Obviously, he’s talking about modern pirates. You know, the Somalian kind.

We left our homes and we left our mudders
To go on a pillaging spree
We’ll cut off your ears and break your toes
And make you drink our pee
And if you sail into our waters, you best hear this decree:
We’ll take your boat, set your ass afloat
Somalian pirates we!

Netflix dropped a bunch of shows that they had on their service which I wanted to show my fiancee. And was halfway done showing.

Now there’s only one way to see those shows, and it isn’t Netflix.

I made a contribution to crime-fighting by buying a full-priced copyright set of CSI DVD’s with the geographically correct region code and everything. Each disk started with several commercials that could not be bypassed. And the commercials had to replay whenever a glitch or mode change (e.g., adjust subtitle setting?) took us back to the main menu. :smack:

(My crime-fighting days are behind me now, and I have found a way to enjoy Netflix programming for free at my remote location in an Asian jungle. If Seal Team Six wants to parachute in and take me out, our dogs don’t bite – but do wear anti-mosquito lotion.)

I don’t watch many DVDs, but a friend brought over a season of Game of Thrones recently. It did this sort of crap too.

This whole thread is actually making me more sympathetic toward piracy.

Making his administrative assistant throw a piece of paper into her recycle bin isn’t very nice, sir.

I hate the Hulu iOS apps. They are jittery and barely work. I also don’t understand how to ‘save’ shows for later. It also seems to take hours for shows I watched to show back up in recently watched, the search is crazy bad (but seems to be the only way to get to certain things), etc.

The add creep on Netflix is somewhat annoying but I’ll take it any day of the over the Hulu’s crap interface.

And don’t forget the giant burden on the postal system and the mail-person who has to deliver the letter. I actually think this is gaffas secret plan to take down the government, from the inside.

I haven’t seen ads on my netflix either. That doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, just that it appears to be a test rollout at best.

And hey, if their data-scavenging is any good, and most of the people tested reacted like gaffa, they’ve found a strong correlation between ads and subscription drop and have since canceled any proposed mass rollout. At least, one hopes.

Hm, what shows did they drop? I haven’t seen that happen before.

I’m looking foreward to the next installment of this thread, when gaffa Pits them for sending him a form letter.

There are a couple of websites that will show you what has just left or is leaving Netflix. Here is one for December. Often, though, the lists are just the shows whose contracts end and they’ll usually get renewed with no break in access.