It’s nothing. We humans are so arrogant that we think our very existance needs some justification, that there just has to be some reason, some cosmic meaning, behind it.
So on you.
It’s nothing. We humans are so arrogant that we think our very existance needs some justification, that there just has to be some reason, some cosmic meaning, behind it.
So on you.
Somebody needs to read some existentialist writings and figure out that this is old news…
Awww hell…EVERYBODY knows Life is either a magazine or a cereal! Get over it already.
swampbear: Life is more than a magazine or a cereal!!!
It’s a board game, too.
dang JellyDonut can’t believe I forgot that one! <hanging head in shame>
Not to mention a cellular automaton.
To hell with that. What’s the meaning of Leif?
Or even more to the point what’s the meaning of file
just when i’ve figured out the meaning of life, someone changes it ::SIGH::
awww… poor caffy… pat, pat
[marvin]life… don’t talk about life…[/marvin] (er, did i get that right?)
human life’s point is to act as can openers and pets for us cats, that’s what…
a cat’s life is to act as owner and canned-food-eaters for you humans…
I agree with JellyDonut, except I don’t think that humans are all that arrogant. It’s just a bit mind-boggling to think there is no purpose to all this.
Well, the answer to the Great Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is Fourty-two.
Hope that helps.
Oh, Anubis <sigh>…
42 is the right answer. But the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything is the wrong question.
Silly human.
I bet you’ve forgotten your towel, too.
I’m glad you liked my reply, Anubis. I hope you found it both funny and significant. It would give me great joy to think that I brought a bit of meaning into someone else’s life.
A. Who is this JellyDonut of which everyone is speaking?
B. Was the OP posting after / during a hallucinogenic experience? Not that it would invalidate the conclusions if he or she were. It’s just that I have found that this is often when people figure out the Meaning of Life. I once came to the conclusion that the ultimate goal in life was to make sure everything made it back into the box.
You know, metaphorically speaking. It made perfect sense at the time but looking back it seems as though I was just a tad off my rocker.
No, you’ve got it all wrong, it’s “His Majesty is like a Jelly Donut.”
My personal take on the meaning of life:
“Life is a joke by the general on the particular.”
-Aleister Crowley
[sub]Jesus, do I have to post chapter and verse on everything?[/sub]
LADY PRESENTER: Well, that’s the end of the film. Now, here’s the meaning of life. Thank you, Brigitte. M-hmm. Well, it’s nothing very special. Uh, try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations, and, finally, here are some completely gratuitous pictures of penises to annoy the censors and to hopefully spark some sort of controversy, which, it seems, is the only way, these days, to get the jaded, video-sated public off their fucking arses and back in the sodding cinema. Family entertainment bollocks!! What they want is filth: people doing things to each other with chainsaws during tupperware parties, babysitters being stabbed with knitting needles by gay presidential candidates, vigilante groups strangling chickens, armed bands of theatre critics exterminating mutant goats… Where’s the fun in pictures? Oh, well, there we are. Here’s the theme music. Goodnight.
There . . . no get it right this time.
The answer is duct tape.