I Just Got Laid Off.... Yippeee!!!!!! *

First off, no offense to dopers who have been laid off and are having trouble. I know it’s tough out there.

I’ve had this job in IT in Washington DC for almost two years, but it’s gotten very boring and unrewarding for the last six months. However, it’s steady work and I didn’t want to look for another job in today’s shaky economy. But I have been longing to move back to New York City, especially having been up there this past weekend and seeing all my old friends. I had planned to stay in DC for at least another year, but now I’ve been given a great excuse to start looking in NYC earlier. Also, I feel like a great weight has been taken off my shoulders, because rumors of layoffs have been going on around here for weeks, and now the suspense is finally over. One-third of my team is out the door.

Anyone in IT been looking in NYC lately? How’s the outlook? I have 20 years of programming and team lead experience.

  • I have a sinking feeling that this moment of euphoria won’t last if I haven’t found a job soon!

I got laid off from the job I had before this one. My wife thought I was a little daffy when I did a happy dance after my last day. God, I hated that place. Enjoy the euphoria while it lasts. After that comes the happy plateau of not having to be anywhere followed by the feeling of loserdom and “what’s wrong with me?” when the first half dozen or so companies you interview with don’t beg you to work for them. It’ll all turn out ok in the end, though.

Welcome to the camp. You know where to put the cork.

We really need to construct a secret handshake, or lapel pin or something.

NYC? Overloaded. Lot of people lost their jobs in IT when the financial companies folded. We’re hurting badly here. It’s the equivalent of GM going under, while Ford survives, and we’re looking kind of dubious at Chrysler.

Go west, young man, and grow up with the country.

Who are you, Horace fucking Greeley? :slight_smile: But thanks for the info, but I’m gonna try my luck in NYC.

No, but my mom taught in the school they named after him. That said, welcome to the City, brother. I’m just giving you my perspective on how things are.

And I do thank you, E-Sabbath.

I quickly glanced at the thread title and somehow ignored the “off” part.

Yep, I’m laid off and having issues, but so what? I was relieved in many ways when I lost my job, I completely understand. It’s funny how something bad, like being unemployed, can still seem like a big weight off your shoulders

Good luck with the job hunt (you’ll need it)


Wishing you luck on your future job hunt.

Ohh…for a moment there I thought you were announcing that you just got laid. I was already to go out and buy a halmark card :slight_smile:
The “off” part kind of kills it, though the “off” part works perfectly well in a related scenario :slight_smile: