Anyone else out there going mad for the special features on the LOTR:ROTK DVD?
Our family is planning a LOTR film fest next week so that our minds can turn into jelly with hours of Tolkien film. I wonder what would make good snacks for a LOTR themed movie party?
Why are they releasing this now instead in August (followed by a November EE) like FotR and TTT?
Am I to assume that the RotK EE will be in August and the mack daddy EE uber double drop-kicked bitch slapped box set will be in November, just in time for xmas?
If so, I’m game, and I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank at you suckers who bought the other DVDs
Eh, my copy cost $9.99 from FYE after rebate, and I’ll get $5-6 of that back when I sell it, so I’ll get to enjoy ROTK for the price of a rental until the EE comes.
The Extended Edition needs effects work finished, the extras package put together, etc, which still takes just as long as the other EEs did, so it will be released in November.
But ROTK theatrical cut didn’t need any extra tweaks, and also didn’t need to be released at a time to build up interest in the next movie in the series like the others did, so it could be released earlier if they so wished. And for some reason, that’s what they wished.
I’m glad you got your copy. We did too and are sitting down to watch it in a few minutes. I can’t wait to see it as I didn’t when it was in the theater.
Also, I aplogize in advance for the hijack but, can someone answer this question for me? Last night, the news showed people that had been waiting in line for hours last night so that they could get a copy at midnight. And yet, my roommate walked in to a store this morning and picked up a copy. It took all of five minutes.
Maybe I just value my time too much but I just can’t see wasting 4 or 5 hours to accomplish something that can be done in 5 minutes if you just wait a few hours later.
There’s really no reason to wait in lines like that anymore. Most of the people that do it are in the 25-40 age range and yearn for a time when you had to wait in line for the next big thing (mainly Star Wars.)
I got mine this afternoon! Did the Blockbuster deal where you get 7 free rentals so I just went in, got my Widescreen and hopefully I can watch it soon!
I rented my copy today, and also am in line for a copy through my library. I may buy a copy; I will definitely buy the extended edition whenever it comes out. I loved these movies and love seeing them again…Happy viewing to all you other LOTR lovers on the SDMB.
By the way, did you hear that Roger Ebert recently told us Rings lovers who were excited about the DVDs to “get a life”? You know, I have a life: 2 jobs, 1 child, participation in civic and church affairs, book club, hiking, needlework, friends - oh and I care about peace and justice. I just happen to really, really like these books and movies.
I’m not calling you a liar, but I find that hard to believe. After all, this is a guy whose entire life revolves around movies, he doesn’t seem the type to be tell anyone to get a life!
It’s true, he did, on last week’s show. I like Ebert, but he’s been a real putz about the LOTR movies all along. He docked a star off of Fellowship because it wasn’t like the book, but he was mistaking The Hobbit for Fellowship (and misremembering that too).
He docked a star off of The Two Towers because it was too violent (saying that the Helms Deep battle scene would no doubt startle the “gentle medievalist” Tolkien, forgetting who wrote the damned violence in the first place) and again misremembers the book, saying the movie misplaces the “charm and whimsy” of the book. Gah!
He docked a half-star off Return of the King for some reason. He grudgingly admits it’s a good series, but doesn’t seem to have gotten any of the themes of the work (I don’t know what that last line is about). Some of his nitpicks are ridiculous. He doesn’t say this in his print review, but on Ebert & Roeper he had an insane comment about Gandalf, being taken out of the movie because an old man was being so agile and nimble (cite upon request). HE’S A FREAKIN’ WIZARD, REBORN WITH A NEW BODY, EVEN! Wizards can do things like ride a horse fast, and fight. So can actors in good shape, like Ian McKellan (who probably did at least some of his own stunts).
You’d think, as much as he bitches about how the movies aren’t like the books, that he’d have actually read them, or re-read them when told that he’s completely misremembering them.
Anyway, Ebert’s just got it in for LOTR fans, no doubt because they corrected him after his first two reviews. Some were probably rude, but I’ll bet most were reasonable in pointing out his mistakes. He’s got a blind spot in not wanting to admit he was wrong.
On topic, I buy all 3 versions of the DVD (theatrical, Extended and Gift Set) and don’t feel ripped off at all. I’m not a “sucker” and I resent that as much as being told to “get a life.” (Bad Cisco, rude Cisco! Go watch New York Minute in pennance).
I too did the Blockbuster thing. If I use all 7 rentals, the cost of the ROTK DVD is about $2*
I will definitely get the EE (and maybe the gift set depending of what the extras are - I got the FOTR gift set but not the TT one). The theatrical cut is to keep me occupied during the wait.
*rental card 29.99 with tax $31.64
rentals 3.99 with tax 4.21
31.64 - (7 * 4.21) = $2.17
Slight hijack, but how many discs do you expect in the ultimate extended edition trilogy box set? How much do you expect it to cost?
And as for Ebert, what he said was in response to Roeper mentioning that the extended edition of Return of the King would have four discs. He said something like “Who has time to watch all of that stuff?”, to which Roeper replied something like “The fanboys,” and that’s when Ebert said “Get a life.” Actually, he’s right in that the number of people who will buy the extended DVD box sets and actually watch everything is really limited.
New Line and Peter Jackson have explicitly stated that the Extended Editions are the final product, and not to expect them to bleed the fans any more past that.
I rented it the other night and while I enjoyed the movie (well duh!) I have to say the extras were terrible.
Made for TV specials with a lot of over lap. Unless you’re a real fan and want all versions in your collection or can pick it up cheap as some people seem able to do I would advise not buying it as the 2nd disc is for all intents and purposes useless.
The other theatrical version DVD’s weren’t as bad as this one IMO.