From here
What’s the first thing you would do?
I’d probably go take a dump in peace.
Go horseback riding. Or learn to swim.
#Maybe I didn’t treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn’t love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind #
Have a good face to face conversation with my twin. I can’t imagine having lived with someone my entire life and never having been able to look them directly in the face.
Then I’d go and read a book by myself. Or see a movie alone. Go swimming.
[CNN had a blurb about an upcoming story on the twins, and they described them as “conjoined since birth.” Well! It’s not bloody likely they’d become conjoined after birth, is it?]
Maybe they weren’t conjoined until birth. Somebody must have checked. CNN (the most reliable name in news) wouldn’t make such a glaring error.
My point is, of course they’ve been conjoined since birth. Expressing it like they did implies the possibility that they could have become conjoined after birth. Is this possible?
Buy a hat?
Hey, dantheman I was funning you! It irritates me, too, to hear stuff like that.
Even if it is possible, why would any two “sane” people want to?
I know, Zeldar - especially the bit about CNN itself.
When I saw the blurb, I immediately thought of two people running at each other at full speed… POWSMASHKERPLINK! and suddenly they were fused together at the head!
Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice …
I picture two of those toilet plungers (plumber’s friends) attached to the tops of heads and much like your description.
Well, if the operation hadn’t been as publicized as it was (and providing my twin had a similar sense of humor), I’d keep up the appearance of still being conjoined, and invite some friends over. Over dinner, or while hanging out, maybe watching TV, start to make comments like, “you know, we’re really not connected by that much. Just a little skin, couple veins, maybe.” Eventually, my twin and I would decide to try to just pull free of each other, just to see what’d happen, making it sound like a joke. Of course, we would then proceed to actually appear to pry ourselves loose, acting it out accordingly, you know, grunting, straining, making pained faces, possibly recreate some sort of nice ripping noise. The reactions would be priceless.
Orange Skinner, that is hilarious. “Hey! That was so easy! We should have done that years ago!”
Actually, if I were a recent unconjoinee, I don’t know what I’d do, but I would sure as heck do it alone.
Orange Skinner, combine that with some fake blood and you have one of those practical joke gone horribly wrong moments.
I don’t get their religion thing.
If they believe in God, wouldn’t it be more logical to continue being conjoined the way he created them?
On subject: take a dump in peace, like the OP.
What, no one has mentioned Disneyland yet?
Yes, but see when conjoined, you always have someone to sit next to on a ride. No worries about getting stuck next to a crying child or smelly fat guy.
buy smaller clothes?