I am a complete idiot and I should stop shooting off my mouth. It’s a realization we should all come to sooner or later.
Bye, all! S’been a slice!
“We must jump up and down and down, and around and around.”
- Tori Amos
I am a complete idiot and I should stop shooting off my mouth. It’s a realization we should all come to sooner or later.
Bye, all! S’been a slice!
“We must jump up and down and down, and around and around.”
- Tori Amos
So, is this a “Final Farewell” or are you just going to lunch?
FWIW, “shooting off our mouths” is what the SDMB is all about. If none of us ever did that, the conversations would all be pretty much limited to, “More tea?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Nice weather.”
“Yes, it certainly is. Another cookie?”
“No, thank you, I really must be going.”
“Must you?”
“Yes, I’m afraid so.”
“Well, it’s been nice talking to you.”
“Same here.”
(hit Submit Reply button and then beg someone to put you out of your misery.)
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!” - the White Queen