I’m depressed, really. I thought it was a very positive OP. I think the mods made the right decision, though. Too bad animous feelings couldn’t be held back… people will be people, I guess.
I’m depressed, really. I thought it was a very positive OP. I think the mods made the right decision, though. Too bad animous feelings couldn’t be held back… people will be people, I guess.
I entered the thread thinking of some names, but was shown why I shouldn’t get into such threads. It’s one thing to say whom you like most, another to open a thread where cheap shots can be taken. It’s often the same thread. You’re on the right path for the idea, IMO, but a caveat of no bashing is needed. Again, IMO.
Hi ************
and ****************
and especially ***********
Reword it, and it may work. Maybe. Good luck with it.
I don’t often question the decisions of the Mods, but I think if Cajun Man saw a need to close that Thread he should at least have waited until someone has listed ME!
Sit down, here, my son. Let’s talk.
You know, a person’s first time can bring up a lot of emotions. There’s an expectation that the first time will be really wild and exciting, but then there’s that let down that it wasn’t what you expected. Not too mention that it can hurt a bit, the first time.
Don’t let it get you down, we’ve all gone through this at one time or another. And while it would have been nice for you to save your first time for the right board that you know you’ll subscribe to for the rest of your life, at least this board won’t blab all over town that your were only able to keep your thread up a few posts before things exploded, as it were.
Should be “someone had mentioned ME!”
[Groucho Marx]
I was using the subjunctive instead of the past tense. We’re way past tents; we’re living in bungalows now.
[/Groucho Marx]
I think Cajun Man missed the point of Eleusis’ post. After “fart smellers, they”, he wrote in small italics, “errrr smart fellers”. Since he included both QED and me, it might have been possible that he honestly intended fart smellers rather than smart fellers, but because he included Mangetout, he had to have intended a compliment. It is possible that Cajun Man’s first language is not English, and therefore failed to grasp a rather common jokish idiom.
The thread was closed because **Eleusis **attacked World Eater, not because he made a joke about you, Q.E.D., and Mangetout.
On the brighter side… one of my first threads on this board was locked. You’re now on your way to becoming mod
Not sure it should have been closed straight off the bat, but for my money there have been way too many “mutual admiration society” threads in MPSIMS recently: mind you, I’m probably just bitter because no-one ever cites me.
My favorite posts in this Thread are:[ul]
[li]Agent Foxtrot’s OP[/li][li]duffer[/li][li]me[/li][li]moriah[/li][li]me[/li][li]Liberal[/li][li]Aesiron[/li][li]xash[/li][/ul]
The rest of the Thread isn’t worth citing.
I have been informed* that the true reason Cajun Man locked that thread is because he’s jealous of how well regarded Kal is.
*Kal told me, the devilishly handsome bastard.
Middlecase is awesome!!!
You know, ME - that guy who, um, posts from time to time. Urbane, erudite, god-like, devastatingly handsome. Knows a lot about old punk, ancient Greek homosexuality, and is ever ready with a witty quip. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed either.
Ah yes, the Socratic Method…
How did this Thread jump from Post#13 to Post#15? Is there something wrong with my computer? Marley23, where did you get that quote from?
Purely Platonic, I assure you.
See, even your computer ignores me {sniff}.
Yeah, that’s what they Aristotle say. :rolleyes: