I got my Obama yard sign today, and just put it on my front lawn . . . the first on my street. And I also have an “LGBT for Obama” bumper sticker on my car. And for the record, I have not seen any McCain signs anywhere. Guess I’ll have to drive down to Holmes County for that (Amish, Republican-voting).
How long do you think it’ll last?
Goody 4 you.
I wish they’d hurry up and release the new Harry Potter movie. My “Republicans for Voldemort” shirt just doesn’t seem to have the same kick it did in 2004.
We’ve had our lawn sign up for weeks. So far the only creatures to mess with it have been birds (and by mess, I do mean mess). Genghis Redhead was *really * excited this weekend when her Obama car magnet arrived.
Had the yard sign up since January…the stickers since then as well. Many people in my neck of CT are crafting their own HUGE Obama yard signs. Hand painted on plywood.
Good on you for getting yours up. It’ll be nice to see it on November 8th when he wins.
Aw, I want an Obama bumper sticker!
Doubt my condo assoc would let me have a yard sign…
I’m waiting for the running mate selection until I put the bumper sticker on my car.
Wish he’d announce who he is picking. If it isn’t Bayh today, we probably won’t know until he comes back from Hawaii next week.