I just received an email with a picture of green ketchup attached

Wierd huh?

Who would send such crap?

You too???

Yessirree. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

Errr, ummm…


Kim, what’s wrong? You didn’t get one too did you?

I tell you all, when I find out who has been sending this crap to me, wasting valuable bandwidth, loading up my inbox with useless junk, oh boy…!!!

I’ve made a nice screensaver out of mine!!

Um, yeah, that’s it, I got one too! Two, even!

Kim, I understand poor dear. My heart goes out to you.
We all gotta stick together if we’re gonna get to the bottom of this.

My guess is it’s probably some computer teckie type running tests to users experiencing email problems. Hmmffp, bastards!

Hey, what’s going on? What am I? Chopped liver with only red ketchup?

[Homer]Chopped liver…mmmmmmmmmm[/Homer]

Man, I just got another one. That kid holding the bottle is pretty goofy looking!!! :smiley:

It’s quite a mystery, soulsling.

Is green ketchup made from green tomatoes? :smiley:

What an ugly little runt. Great swirls on the ketchup though. That burger could use some more beef. Twice. Mind you all, Twice I recieved it.

-sobs- It’s so nice to be a part of things -sob-

Actually, I think that’s the really weird thing about it - that it’s NOT made from green tomatoes.

soulsling, can’t you just feel the love in the room?


I’m hungry. Anyone up for burgers?

Green Ketchup is wrong!!

Gee, Katt, this all serems so strange. You guys got green ketchup e-mails but I didn’t. I feel so left out.

Just wanted to announce that I finally found a bottle of that green Heinz ketchup. I’ve just finished testing it.

Novelty purposes only. First of all, it’s like eating air: it’s that thin. Fries just pick up a thin coating, and it runs right off a burger.

Second, it tastes like the red, but at a much lower caliber. (“With” a lower caliber?) Which destroys the purpose of a condiment.

And finally, it leaves a patina on the fingers. Well, at least I can say I’ve tried it.

…The only major difference is the color of food coloring, this may shock some people, but ketchup isn’t Naturally that red… OH MY GOD!!!