I am a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge fan of toilet humor, so needless to say I am a big fan of Austin Powers!
This movie had me laughing out loud throughout. I thought the opening sequence was cute. Austin fans will NOT be disappointed with this latest installment.
It seems Mike Myers has something very much against the Dutch, judging by the introduction of his latest character, Goldmember. He is almost as revolting as Fat Bastard, in fact, I think he is more so. And there are constant jabs at the Dutch throughout the film.
Although weak in spots, I think this movie is frickin’ hysterical!
Myers actually made Goldmember Dutch because he figured nobody picks on them, so it was time. He’s actually part Danish, IIRC, as stated in an interview in some magazine I read in a doctor’s office.
The more my health fails, the more useless pop culture facts I pick up from waiting room magazines I would never buy…:rolleyes:
I saw it, & I enjoyed it. (Although I took the precaution of smoking a big fattie beforehand as a sort of cinematic insurance, so YMMV.)
Steven Spielberg’s Austinpussy justified the whole project. If Austin Powers 4 went right down that road I’d be a happy puppy.
The ambiguity of some of the characters’ nationalities is actually funny as hell. Dr. Evil’s especially, since Meyers decided to crank up the Eastern Canadian accent all the way to 11. “Do I really have <spoilers> with frickin’ <spoilers>? <Spoilers with frickin’ <spoilers>?!”
And for some reason the outakes of Ozzy’s cameo reminded me of South Park’s representation of the Pope. Wow, I knew he was a burnout, but seriously– what’s up with that?
Is it okay to mention that I think Frau is actually a bit of a hottie? Rrrwr! Or is that crossing a line?
Wow, I feel kind of guilty admitting that I didn’t like it too much. Austin Powers 2 had me laughing hysterically the whole way through, but this just wasn’t as funny.
It’s chock full of toilet humor, which may be one reason that I didn’t enjoy it. IIRC, the second one had its fair share of bodily humor as well. Maybe I’ve just grown to not like it as much in the last 3 years or something.
But the celebrity cameos were fun to watch–I’m not sorry I went to see it, I just didn’t like it as much. I think it’s clear here that YMMV–everyone else in the theater loved it.
It’s also funny to me how this got a PG-13 rating. Some of the things in it were just totally obscene. I sound a lot older and grumpier than 20, don’t I?
Sorry for asking a dumb question, but I missed the ending credits. I saw Goldmember today at the 11:00am showing at the AMC Theater on Eisenhower. I know that John Travolta played the “famous” Goldmember at the end of the movie. Who played Goldmember throughout the movie? He wasn’t anyone I recognized. Was he a Dutch actor who is famous in The Netherlands or Holland or wherever the Dutch are? Sorry for the imbecile geography stream of consciousness.
Boy, that makeup job was fantastic and so was his accent. I had absolutely no idea. Like I said, I missed the ending credits. Thanks for letting me know as gently as possible. I was aware of Mike Meyers playing Austin Powers, Dr. Evil and Fat Bastard. By the way, was anyone else grossed out by Fat Bastard’s hair necklace?
Goldmember? You mean The Beyonce Knowles Movie? I mean… damn!
I just saw it, and… wait, hold on a second… daaaammmnn! Okay, got that out of my system. I agree with most of the other reviews. I was laughing through the whole thing, but after seeing it I can’t help but think how much funnier it could’ve been if they’d actually tried to make a better movie.
As it was it just seemed like a bunch of character sketches and cameos and catch phrases all thrown together at high speed – it works more often than not, but there’s not much holding it all together. I’m not saying it should’ve been plot-driven or anything, just that it could’ve been a lot funnier if they’d had even as much story as the first movie did. And it’s a real shame they didn’t spend more time in 1975; it seems like that would’ve had some real potential.
And if it’s not obvious by now, I think Foxxy Cleopatra was the best thing in the movie. I hope Beyonce Knowles is in a lot more movies; hell, I’d even go see a Foxxy Cleopatra spin-off movie. The only other thing I’d seen her in was an episode of the Disney series “The Famous Jett Jackson,” where she was playing herself, and of course it’s hard to tell in a show like that whether or not anybody can actually act. But she was great in this movie, and not just hot. Is “Destiny’s Child” even still together anymore?