I got up early today, then had a friend come over. We went shooting at an outdoor gun range (something I haven’t done in a good 10 years). It was such a nice, dry and bright day.
I got home, watched Netflix (Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, with the audio out of sink, and really just a bad movie anyway, but I couldn’t pull away) and then got in bed for a nap.
I don’t know what it was; my bed smelled so great and inviting, my pillows were so cool and comfortable. Anyway, I slept 5 hours. I awoke with the room dark and the ceiling fan slowly spinning.
I get sleep issues off and on where I sleep maybe 2 hours, then wake, then sleep maybe 45 minutes, then wake again.
I’ve been dealing with that for a few months now. This nap really was epic and in no way mundane, thanks MNC for pointing that out! Funny how good you can feel after sleep and forget your issues.
I’ve done that before. My longest was 6 hours, and I remember exactly when it was because I awoke to discover that Jon Lester had thrown a no-hitter and I’d missed it. I generally don’t even bother napping unless I can get in 2 solid hours because my naps are so long. It feels awesome, doesn’t it? Though then being up until 5:30am as a consequence isn’t so great.
I once had a 14 hour afternoon nap upon arriving in London from Australia. We laid down for a “quick” nap, intending to get up later for a meal and a first London night out before bed. However we didn’t wake until 7 am the next day. As it turned out it was the right thing to do - no jet lag and straight into the new time zone.
As others have said, 5 hours of consecutive sleep is not what I’d call a nap; it’s a normal amount of time to sleep out of 24 hours.
I might be biased because I went to bed at 2am last night and got up at 6am. I am not tired and will not go to bed until 11 or midnight tonight. Not an abnormal schedule for me, although I prefer to get 6 or 7 hours of sleep (but not 8).
Long naps are great. This morning, I woke after about 8 hours of sleep. Did some light work for an hour or two, then I felt really tired. So, I ended up going back to bed for a nap…I woke at 4:30 this afternoon! I ended up with about 14 hours of sleep in a period of 16 hours, and I was in REM for so much of that last nap that my dreams just kept getting stranger and stranger.
A 5-hour nap would mess up my nighttime sleep schedule.
Once I took a nap on Saturday afternoon and woke up at 7:00. Only it was half-light outside and I couldn’t figure out if it was 7 AM or PM, it was a weird feeling. It was PM.