I just took a huge swig of sour milk.

Eh, wasn’t that bad, although my mustache smells like baby vomit now. Time to go wash my face and brush my teeth.

Wait until you make porridge out of sour milk :eek:

A little sour or cottage cheese-ish sour?

Did that once at 11. Took a deep swig of nice cold sour milk and got a terrible surprise.

Never again, I thought. Never again.

In the intervening decades I have always given the sniff test prior to using. Always.
That stuff was vile.

My nose is involuntarily wrinkling in disgust. I’m trying for sympathy but all I’m getting is disgust. Eww!

I used to eat lots of yoghurt, until I got halfway through a carton only to notice a ring of fuzzy mold around the rim. Didn’t eat yoghurt for several years after that.

Oh, man. Accidentally drinking sour milk is one of my biggest non-life-threatening phobias. And I’ve never even done it! :frowning: :eek:

Your imagination is getting the best of you. The actual reality is not as bad as you think.

No, in fact, it’s far worse.

I once dated a woman who thought it would be fun to put whipped cream and cherries on me. She thought it would be sexy. I thought it would make me feel like a sex object, but in a good way. Instead, it made me feel like a plate.

But the worst part was, even after we both showered extensively, we both smelled like sour milk for several days. It was, hands down, one of the least sexy sexual encounters of my life.

And another fantasy bites the dust. Reality is lame.

Allow me to be the voice of experience on this.

Spray and lick. Spray and lick. Do NOT try to turn it into some sort of feast. Have dinner before the sex. Do not go into it on an empty stomach.

I once doused myself with cottage-cheesy milk. I had a really old bottle I knew about and a new bottle in front. Well aparently I had gotten then moved around in some other search.
I grabbed a milk bottle and started to drink from it distractedly. Right before it entered, my nose’s emergency problem detection system knew something was up. Without a conscious thought my lips slammed closed in full quarantine mode. Unfortunately my hand didn’t get the report until too late, and I poured a decent amount of gluncky milk down my face and chest.

Had to take a shower

I’ve probably told this story before…

Years ago, a buddy had gone through a divorce and had moved out of his house for a few weeks. After he moved back in, we got together to play some poker there.

One guy, Mike, was always raiding the fridge for munchies and had been warned at a previous game after he smeared the cards with cold fried chicken greasy fingers.

So Mike hits the fridge, unaware that everything in there is several weeks old, and gets him a good ol’ refreshing chug of chocolate milk. Except by now it was chocolate rotted curd scum.

Instantaneous projectile vomiting. He finally quit puking and we were almost able to quit laughing when you could just ask him, “Hey Mike, how about some chocolate milk?” and back to puking he’d go.

It did break him from raiding the fridge during poker games.

Those of us who pour milk into a glass before drinking it are silently applauding the poetic justice here. I mean, come on, man. Not only raiding someone’s fridge, but drinking his milk straight from the jug? Ack. :mad: :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember one time I pulled the jug of milk from the fridge (my milk, my fridge(before I became intolerant of milk and it’s wicked ways)) and took a big swig of milk right from the jug. I felt chunks going down my throat, so I spit what was left in my mouth in the sink. I began tasting my mouth and thinking, hmm, sour milk is pretty tasty. I finally built up the courage to sniff the jug, hmm, I thought, sour milk smells pretty good. It took me awhile to finally figure out that the temp in my fridge somehow got turned all the way down. The chunks in the milk were just ice crystals - what a relief!

My grandfather and grandmother ate clabber on purpose.

Here’s a link: Clabber (food) - Wikipedia

I seriously had to get up from my desk and walk around for some fresh air after reading that. :frowning:

Ever had yogurt? Or cheese?

In fact, what is the difference between yogurt and sour milk? One is yummy, and the other, not so much.

Sorry about that.

My grandfather had a big, walrus-type moustache as well. I can only imagine getting soured milk solids caught in a moustache.

Sure, and I even like funky, stinky cheeses like Reoquefort and Stilton and Gorgonzola! They’re somehow…different. Irrational of me, I know. On the more rational side, I do hate cottage cheese. It just looks too much like an accident to me.

The milk tastes even better that way because your 2% milk just got elevated to “half’n’half” status by the watery bit freezing. Mmmmmmm. I have had that happen before and was surprised at how good the fatty milk tasted.